Brute-force Prolog SAT solver for boolean formulas

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I'm trying to write an algorithm that naively looks for models of a boolean formula (NNF, but not CNF).

The code I have can check an existing model, but it'll fail (or not finish) when asked to find models, seemingly because it generates infinitely many solutions for member(X, Y) along the lines of [X|_], [_,X|_], [_,_,X|_]...

What I have so far is this:

:- op(100, fy, ~).    
:- op(200, xfx, /\).  
:- op(200, xfx, \/).  
:- op(300, xfx, =>).  
:- op(300, xfx, <=>). 

formula(X) :- atom(X).
formula(~X) :- formula(X).
formula(X /\ Y) :- formula(X), formula(Y).
formula(X \/ Y) :- formula(X), formula(Y).
formula(X => Y) :- formula(X), formula(Y).
formula(X <=> Y) :- formula(X), formula(Y).

model(1, _).
model(X, F) :- atom(X), member([X, 1], F).
model(~X, F) :- atom(X), member([X, 0], F). % NNF
model(A /\ B, F) :- model(A, F), model(B, F).
model(A \/ B, F) :- (model(A, F); model(B, F)).
model(A => B, F) :- model(~A \/ B, F).
model(A <=> B, F) :- model((A => B) /\ (B => A), F).

sat(A) :- model(A, F), \+ (member([X, 1], F), member([X, 0], F)).

%%% examples:
% formula(~(~ (a /\ b) \/ (c => d))).
% model(a, [[a,1]]).

Is there a better data structure for F, or some other way the partially-instantiated lists can be cut off?

Edit: Added definitions and examples.


There are 3 best solutions below


Use !

:- use_module(library(clpb)).

Sample query using sat/1:

?- sat(~(~ (A * B) + (C * D))).
A = B, B = 1, sat(1#C*D).

Some variables (A and B) already have been bound to exactly one Boolean value (in above query), but search is not yet complete (which is indicated by residual goals).

To trigger the smart brute-force enumeration of all solutions use labeling/1 like so:

?- sat(~(~ (A * B) + (C * D))), labeling([A,B,C,D]).
   A = B, B = 1, C = D, D = 0
;  A = B, B = D, D = 1, C = 0
;  A = B, B = C, C = 1, D = 0.

I solved it by writing a generate_model predicate that created a pre-defined list with exactly one element for each variable:

generate_model([], []).
generate_model([X|T], [[X,_]|T2]) :- generate_model(T, T2).

sat(A) :- 
  var_list(A, Vars),
  generate_model(Vars, F),
  model(A, F).

Do I understand you, that you are happy with a single model. You don't need labeling or sat_count. Here is an alternative model finder, that is similar to yours, but will only return consistent models.

Since it finds counter models, you need to supply the negation of the formula to find a model. The predicate maze/3 was developed as a negative implementation of the positive predicate proof/2:

% Find a counter model.
% maze(+Norm,+List,-List)
maze(or(A,_),L,_) :- member(A,L), !, fail.
maze(or(A,B),L,R) :- !, inv(A,C), maze(B,[C|L],R).
maze(and(A,_),L,R) :- maze(A,L,R), !.
maze(and(_,B),L,R) :- !, maze(B,L,R).
maze(A,L,_) :- member(A,L), !, fail.
maze(A,L,M) :- oneof(L,B,R), connective(B), !, 
                 inv(A,C), inv(B,D), maze(D,[C|R],M).
maze(A,L,[B|L]) :- inv(A,B).

It can find counter models to all of the following fallacies:

Affirming a Disjunct: (p v q) & p => ~q.
Affirming the Consequent: (p => q) & q => p.
Commutation of Conditionals: (p => q) => (q => p).
Denying a Conjunct: ~(p & q) & ~p => q.
Denying the Antecedent: (p => q) & ~p => ~q.
Improper Transposition: (p => q) => (~p => ~q).

Here is an example run:

Jekejeke Prolog 2, Runtime Library 1.2.5
(c) 1985-2017, XLOG Technologies GmbH, Switzerland

?- negcase(_,N,F), norm(F,G), maze(G,[],L), 
   write(N), write(': '), sort(L,R), write(R), nl, fail; true.
Affirming a Disjunct: [pos(p),pos(q)]
Affirming the Consequent: [neg(p),pos(q)]
Commutation of Conditionals: [neg(p),pos(q)]
Denying a Conjunct: [neg(p),neg(q)]
Denying the Antecedent: [neg(p),pos(q)]
Improper Transposition: [neg(p),pos(q)]

Interestingly the thing is much faster than CLP(B). Here are some timings running the same problem in CLP(B) and with maze:

?- time((between(1,1000,_), negcaseclp(_,N,F,L),
   sat(~F), once(labeling(L)), fail; true)).
% Up 296 ms, GC 3 ms, Thread Cpu 250 ms (Current 01/27/18 00:34:20)
?- time((between(1,1000,_), negcase(_,_,F),
   norm(F,G), maze(G,[],_), fail; true)).
% Up 82 ms, GC 0 ms, Thread Cpu 78 ms (Current 01/27/18 00:30:21)