building libzippp in macos with vcpkg: ld: library not found for -llibzip::libzip

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libzippp github link

vcpkg github link

It is supposed to be straightforward, according to the documentation one should "just" ./vcpkg install libzippp

But i've tried it plus a little bit of everything but nothing works.

I'm using VS Code, my CMakeLists.txt is:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(Leptonica_DIR /Users/alejandrocamba/Documents/leptonica/build)
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
find_package(Leptonica REQUIRED)
find_package(Tesseract REQUIRED)
find_package(libzippp CONFIG REQUIRED)



add_executable(startProject main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(startProject ${LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(startProject ${OpenCV_LIBS})
target_link_libraries(startProject ${Tesseract_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(startProject PRIVATE libzip::libzip libzippp::libzippp)

I have startProject PRIVATE libzip::libzip libzippp::libzippp because vcpkg indicates that those are the targets for libzippp library.

On my c_cpp_properties.json i followed the documentation and included "${vcpkgRoot}/x64-osx/include"

        "includePath": [

And in settings.json:

  "cmake.configureSettings": {
    "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE": "${vcpkgRoot}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake

But i keep getting the same error, i'm not even specifying libzip as a target, only libzippp, so i'm guessing there's something going on with an internal dependency? where is libzippp looking for libzip??

I'm new to C++ and CMake! easy to understand examples/explanations are appreciated :)

You can assume i've tried a lot of SO question solutions and tutorials to try and solve this, asking this question is my final resource


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