Caddy rewrite based on User-Agent not working

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I'm trying to rewrite a path if the requested client is a mobile user. As per caddy documentation, this code should redirect a mobile user to the specified destination.

rewrite /redirect-me {
    if {>User-Agent} has mobile
    to /redirected

But it's wont when I add the User-Agent condition. I tried other condition which works just fine. I tried to look for caddy available directives like User-Agent but can't find a single hint.


There are 2 best solutions below


I think it is likely {>User-Agent} is case sensitive.

try {>User-agent} and see if that works.


I recently ran into a similar issue and wanted to share a solution that worked for me on Caddy 2.6.1. I used a named matcher to match requests that are both from a mobile device and are directed to /redirect_me. Here is the relevant portion of the Caddyfile:

@mobile {
    # Check if the string "mobile" is in the User-Agent portion of the request header.
    header_regexp User-Agent (?i)(mobile)

    # Only match the request if it is to the /redirect_me path.
    path /redirect_me

# Rewrite the previous request to the desired path.
rewrite @mobile /redirected