CakePHP and connecting to MS Access db using Unixodbc

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I'm trying to use an Acces (MDB) database from a CakePHP app. On a Windows machine this works fine. On a Linux machine using Unixodbc this doesn't work at all. The error is as follows:

Warning (2): odbc_connect() [function.odbc-connect]: SQL error: [unixODBC][Driver anager]Data ource name not found, and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect [APP/vendors/adodb/drivers/, line 60]

The CakePHP datasource definition is:

             $default = array(
                            'driver' => 'adodb',
                            'connect'  => 'access',
                            'host' => "Driver=[MDBODBC]; Dbq=".$filePath.";Uid=Admin;Pwd=;}",
                            'login'    => 'Admin',
                            'password' => '',
                            'database' => ''

What's wrong with this configuration?


There are 1 best solutions below


The 'host' element looks odd in general because of its unmatched closing brace.

How does the line number 60 (from the error message) look in Which elements of the configuration array does it use for the call to odbc_connect? Compare the call to the examples for the odbc_connect documentation.

Have you tried connecting using odbc_connect directly?

As an aside, my version of cake has an ODBC DBO driver actually within the cake framework, at


It uses odbc_pconnect. There, the $dsn string that is the first argument to odbc_pconnect comes from the 'database' element of the config array, not the 'host' element.

I don't know why you would use a third party solution in


especially since the Date Library in John Lim ADOdb Library for PHP allows remote attackers to obtain sensitive information.