Cakephp with PEAR on Windows Azure Website

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I am trying to setup an Azure Website that will host my CakePHP website. Setting up CakePHP was simple enough by choosing the CakePHP template during the creation wizard of the Website.

I tried installing PEAR by following the "PEAR in hosting environments' option, by uploading the go-pear.php file to my webroot folder, and setting the installation path to site/PEAR.

The installation was successful but I get the warning at the end:

Warning: Can not determine the URL of the freshly installed Web Frontend (file: c:\dwasfiles\sites[MY SITE]\virtualdirectory0\site\pear\index.php). Please access it manually !

In .user.ini that is I put in the site/wwwroot folder, I set the include path to the same folder as I installed PEAR:

include_path = "C:\DWASFiles\Sites[MY SITE]\VirtualDirectory0\site\PEAR"

But still when trying to use HTTP\Request2 I get the following error:

Error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'HTTP/Request2.php' (include_path='C:\DWASFiles\Sites\[MY SITE]\VirtualDirectory0\site\PEAR')
File: C:\DWASFiles\Sites\[MY SITE]\VirtualDirectory0\site\wwwroot\app\Controller\RequestsController.php
Line: 2

I have spent the last 2 days searching for how to get PEAR working correctly on an Azure website, with no success :(

Can someone please explain how to install PEAR correctly on an Azure website.


There are 1 best solutions below


On a remote hosting server it's not about installing PEAR but simply uploading the PEAR folder from your dev environment, and setting the appropriate include_path.

Make sure that C:\DWASFiles\Sites\[MY SITE]\VirtualDirectory0\site\PEAR\HTTP\Request2.php really exists.