calabash android run with japan text

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I try run Calabash-android test. But i got a trouble. This is my script test:

Feature: Check Navigation feature

Scenario: Click on Navigation button of menu
    When I should see "確認"
    Then I wait for 3 seconds
    Then I press the "OK" button

When i exec the test. Command Window show me an error.

"\xE7" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 (Encoding:: UndefinedConversionError) (RuntimeError)

Does any body get same problem? can you tell me how to fix it?

I searched from internet and get a solution

I do set RUBYOPT=-EUTF-8 command but it does not effect.

My calabash version is 0.5.8 Ruby version is 2.2.0 Windows 7 x64


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