calling relation with a parameter in the view

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i know this has been asked alot , but none of the solution works for me as i want to use this in the view

i have 3 tables

Languages : id , title 
Blog : id 
BlogLanguage : blog_id , language_id , title , text 

so when i list the blogs in the view , for each blog i want to show what languages has been stores for this Blog

basically i want to do something like this

$blogs = Blog::all();
$languages = Language::all();
return view('blog-index' , compact('blogs' ,'languages));

in the view

@foreach($blogs as $blog )

  id : {{$blog->id}} 
  @foreach($languages as $lang )
   {{$lang->title}} : {{ $lang->HasThisBlog($blog->id) ? 'yes' : 'no' }}


here is what im stuck

{{ $lang->HasThisBlog($blog->id) ? 'yes' : 'no' }}

if i can have this relation in the Language model

function HasThisBlog($id){
 return $this->hasOne(BlogLanguage::class )->where('blog_id' , $id ) ;

of course this doesn't work and gives me some weird object like

HasOne {#706 ▼
  #foreignKey: "blog_languages.language_id"
  #localKey: "id"
  #query: Builder {#705 ▶}
  #parent: Language {#560 ▶}
  #related: BlogLanguage {#667 ▶}
  #withDefault: null

There are 1 best solutions below


You just need to define a relation on you Blog model. As you already have pivot table for the following relationships

Blog belongsToMany Language(s)

Language belongsToMany Blog(s)

class Blog extends Model
    public function languages()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Language::class);

    //....other code of the class

class Language extends Model
    public function blogs()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Blog::class);

    //... other code of the class

Then in blade view

@foreach($blogs as $blog)

    <p>{{ $blog->id }}</p>

    @foreach($languages as $language)
        <p>{{ $language->title }}: {{ $blog->languages->contains('id', $language->id) ? 'Yes' : 'No' }}</p>
