Camunda Can't find scripting engine for 'python': scriptEngine is null

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The process could not be started. :
Cannot instantiate process definition Process_03eqpht:3:7ff29d88-51a6-11ec-820b-4e796e7082df: Can't find scripting engine for 'python': scriptEngine is null

I have install camunda and running it but when i run new process which has python as script define in it. Camunda throw error for python and groovy script.

I have python already installed in system.

This is camunda workflow:-

enter image description here

Running of camunda:

enter image description here


enter image description here


There are 1 best solutions below


You need to add a Scripting Engine that can run Phyton. There is support for Jyton:

Camunda Platform supports scripting with JSR-223 compatible script engine implementations. Currently we test the integration for Groovy, JavaScript, JRuby and Jython. To use a scripting engine it is necessary to add the corresponding jar to the classpath.

See the documentation:

I haven't done that - but here is a discussion on how to use Camunda with Python: