Can a SignalR method name be namespaced?

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I have several SignalR Hubs each with several methods. Mostly with a CRUD like signature i.e.

string AddNode(Node node);
void RemoveNode(string id);
void UpdateNode(Node node);

Node GetNode(string id);
List<Node> GetNodes();

Now every now and then I have to add more methods to a Hub or to add overloads and things start to play up. The wrong methods get called and I just can work out what is going on. I normally end up creating a new Hub to deal with the new methods.

The only thing I can put it down to is my method names have a namespace in them as follows;

public void GetNode(SRGetNodeReq req)


public const string XportConst.Methods.GetNode = "Xport.Method.GetNode";

So, can the HubMethodName be given a string with "dots" in it?

Could all my methods have the name "XPort" and simply still be workign due to the method parameters being different?


There are 1 best solutions below


Let's say you do this

public const string hubName = "A.B.C";
public void GetNode(SRGetNodeReq req)

It means you would call this method from JS code as nodeHub.server.A.B.C(req); Your generated signalr/hubs class must declare a function called A.B.C

proxies['nodeHub'].server = {
            A.B.C: function () {

which will fail with Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token . You cannot have '.' in JS function name.

How about replacing to '_'? A_B_C would be no problem in this case. Also, I would say creating multiple Hub classes is not a bad thing actually.