Can I use micronaut-serde-jackson + declarative http client + lombok?

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I am attempting to use micronaut-serde-jackson with a declarative HTTP client to make a simple GET request and retrieve a deserialized POJO.

The POJO looks like this (I'm using lombok):

public class Thing {
    private String color;

The client looks like this:

@Header(name = ACCEPT, value = "application/json")
public interface ThingClient {
    Thing resolve(@PathVariable String id);

I call the client as follows:

   Thing thing = thingClient.resolve("id123");

The request is successful. Server returns 200 OK, the response json is correct, and a Thing instance is returned, but its color field is null. No errors are logged.


It seems that lombok code generation doesn't occur before micronaut's, and serde seems to need getters/setters to exist in order to bind values from the JSON payload, so I end up with no fields being filled.

I'm using Maven and IntelliJ and lombok's annotation processor is defined first in both tools. Not sure why this isn't working; I'll keep poking at it and post back if I find a solution.


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