I'm new to distributed operating system. And I need to train about multiple machine learning models with supercomputers. I need to run the same training script multiple times, and for each run passing the script with a different command line argument. Can I achieve this by using mpiexec so that I can train multiple models in parallel with different inputs?

I found Single Program Multiple data model of mpi, but I don't know the corresponding commands.

I want to run the following line in parallel among the computation nodes in the cluster.

python train.py arg > log.out # arg is the argument that differs for each node

But, if I'm using:

mpiexec train.py arg >log.out 

it would only run train.py with the same command line argument: arg for multiple times in parallel.

Can someone point out the right way to do it? Thank you!


There are 2 best solutions below


One way to achieve what you want is to create a top level script, mpi_train.py using mpi4py. In an MPI job, each process has a unique rank and all run the same code, so running,

from mpi4py import MPI


print("Hello! I'm rank " + str(comm.rank))


mpiexec -n 4 python mpi_train.py

will give

Hello! I'm rank 0
Hello! I'm rank 1
Hello! I'm rank 3
Hello! I'm rank 2

The different ranks can then be used to read a separate file which specifies the args. So you'd have something like,

#All code in train should be in functions or __name__ == "__main__"
import train
from mpi4py import MPI

def get_command_args_from_rank(rank):
     #Some code here to get args from unique rank no.


args = get_command_args_from_rank(comm.rank)

#Assuming the args can be passed to a run function
out = train.run(args)

Note that you should explicitly specify the output for each process, with something like,

with open("log.out"+str(comm.rank)) as f:

otherwise all prints go to stdout and become jumbled as order of the various processes is not guaranteed.


Thanks for all the comments and answers. Here is what I did to get to my final solution:

At first, I had a bash script to submit the job to the cluster as an array of jobs, with $PBS_ARRAYID to pass different command line argument to each job:

#PBS -N ondemand/sys/myjobs/default
#PBS -l walltime=24:10:00
#PBS -l file=1gb
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:gpus=1:default
#PBS -l mem=40MB
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -A PAS0108
#PBS -o Job_array.out

# Move to the directory where the job was submitted
# run the following cmd in shell to submit the job in an array
# qsub -t 1-6 myjob.sh

# $PBS_ARRAYID can be used as a variable 

# copy data to local storage of the node
cp ~/code/2018_9_28_training_node_6_OSC/* $TMPDIR
cp -r ~/Datasets_1/Processed/PascalContext/ResNet_Output/ $TMPDIR
cp -r ~/Datasets_1/Processed/PascalContext/Truth/ $TMPDIR
cp -r ~/Datasets_1/Processed/PascalContext/Decision_Tree/ $TMPDIR

# currently in $TMPDIR, load modules
module load python/3.6 cuda
# using $PBS_ARRAYID as a variable to pass the corresponding node ID
python train_decision_tree_node.py $PBS_ARRAYID $TMPDIR  > training_log_${PBS_ARRAYID}

# saving logs
cp training_log ${HOME}/logs/${PBS_ARRAYID}_node_log/
cp my_results $PBS_O_WORKDIR

I submit the above script with command line:

qsub -t 1-6 myjob.sh

But, I got an error from the cluster, somehow the local directory $TMPDIR can't be recognized by the actual node in the cluster when I run the script.

Finally, what I did is that I use a top level bash script to submit each job with a different command line argument in a while loop and it worked:


#!/usr/bin/env tcsh
set n = 1
while ( $n <= 5 )
    echo "Submitting job for concept node $n"
    qsub -v NODE=$n job.pbs
    @ n++


#PBS -A PAS0108
#PBS -N node_${NODE}
#PBS -l walltime=160:00:00
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:gpus=1
#PBS -l mem=5GB
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -j oe

# copy data
cp -r ~/Datasets/Processed/PascalContext/Decision_Tree $TMPDIR
cp -r ~/Datasets/Processed/PascalContext/Truth $TMPDIR
cp -r ~/Datasets/Processed/PascalContext/ResNet_Output $TMPDIR

# move to working directory

# run program
module load python/3.6 cuda/8.0.44
python train_decision_tree_node.py ${NODE} $TMPDIR $HOME

# run with run_multiple_jobs.tcsh script