Can someone give an example of using chainl1 in FParsec?

987 Views Asked by At

This is the most puzzling combinator in all of FParsec...

...but there is no example on how to use it in the documentation or, AFAIK, on any web pages on the internet. I have a left-recursive parse that seems to require it, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to call it or what to pass to it.

Please help :)


There are 2 best solutions below


I have some pretty diagrams involving chainl1 (from my own C# code) here:


I put together a simple expression parser in FParsec at the end of this unrelated post. Here's an excerpt using chainl1 to make a parser for a chained operator expression from parsers for the operand and operator.

(* fop : (double -> double -> double) -> (env -> double) -> (env -> double) -> env -> double *)
let fop op fa fb env = fa env |> op <| fb env
(* Parse single operators - return function taking two operands and giving the result *)
let (addop : Parser<_,unit>) = 
    sym "+" >>% fop (+)
    <|> ( sym "-" >>% fop (-) )
(* term, expr - chain of operators of a given precedence *)
let term = chainl1 atom mulop
let expr = chainl1 term addop