Can't able to fetch the user location in meteor

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I developed a meteor app in which while registering I am fetching the user location at the client side, to do so I have added the packages listed below:

meteor add mdg:geolocation    
meteor add jeremy:geocomplete    
meteor aldeed:geocoder    
meteor add jaymc:google-reverse-geocode

The code written at client side is as follows:

  if (Meteor.isClient) { 

  Meteor.startup(() => {
   v: '3.26',
   key: '',                                   
  libraries: 'geometry,places'
 console.log("is GoogleMaps.loaded",GooglMaps.loaded());

   Template.Registration.onRendered(function () {
      Tracker.autorun(() => {
        if (GoogleMaps.loaded()) {

           $('#txt_address').geocomplete({country: "AU", type: 

       var date = new Date();
        format: 'DD/MM/YYYY',
        maxDate : date,
        ignoreReadonly: true


      'click #btn_findlocation':function(event){
         alert('Find Location')
        function success(position) {
        var crd = position.coords;
        console.log(`Latitude0 : ${crd.latitude}`);
        console.log(`Longitude0: ${crd.longitude}`);
        var lat = crd.latitude;
        var long = crd.longitude;
        reverseGeocode.getLocation(lat, long, function(location)
         Session.set('location', reverseGeocode.getAddrStr());

          };// end of function success(position)

        function error(err) {
           console.warn('ERROR(' + err.code + '): ' + err.message); 
        };//end of function error(err) 

     // geolocation options
        var options = {
         enableHighAccuracy: true,
         maximumAge: 0
          };// end of  var options

       navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, 




But I am getting false value for GoogleMaps.loaded() function and the following below error when I click a button to fetch the location.

Can't able to read formatted address of undefined.

enter image description here

Results are inconsistent as sometimes I was able to fetch the location other times not.

Please give any suggestions...


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