Can't connect to host using rtmfp

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I have a p2p game using Adobe's rtmfp protocol and cirrus server. Everything seems to be working fine when I try it in stand alone flash player, but when I embed the game to the web page, suddenly nobody can't connect to my game. There are no errors, the connection just timeouts after a while.

here is how I create NetConnection on the host:

netConnection = new NetConnection();
netConnection.maxPeerConnections = 20;
netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus);

public function onNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent) : void
    var peer:P2PNetPeer = null;
    switch( {
        case "NetConnection.Connect.Success": 
            streamOut = new NetStream(netConnection, NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS);
            streamOut.client = {onPeerConnect:onPeerConnect};

It's almost same on client side, except when I get NetConnection.Connect.Success I create inStream:

 streamIn = new NetStream(netConnection, farId);
 streamIn.client = {msg:onMessageReceived};
 streamIn.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onInStreamStatus, false, 0, true);;

This inStream is the one that causes problem, it never connects to the host specified by his farId (I pair players and exchange near/farIds using my own server) if the game is run from web page. When I run it locally using stand alone player, it connects almost immediatelly.

I am checking for other states and errors as well, but they are not important here (as said, I am not getting any errors, just timeout after a while)

Any idea what might be going on here?


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