Can't receive updates from ValueNotifier when used from MethodCallHandler

295 Views Asked by At

I have a simple Widget with a ValueListenableBuilder that listens to a ValueNotifier.

The build function of the ValueListenablebuilder is never triggered when updating the value of the ValueNotifier from a native method call (using setMethodCallHandler).

Instead, if I use valueNotifier.listen(() {}), I'm able to receive new values even in the build function. The native code, in fact, emits a new String each second.

This is the minimal code to reproduce the issue:

class Main extends StatelessWidget {

  Main({Key key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {


    Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 3)).then((value) {
      // this WORKS and updates the Text!
      resourceNotifier.value = "test";

    resourceNotifier.addListener(() {
      // this ALWAYS works (prints "test" and then native updates each second)

    return ValueListenableBuilder(
        valueListenable: resourceNotifier,
        builder: (context, String value, child) {
          // this is triggered only with "test"
          // (when updated from Future.delayed)
          return Container(child: Text(value ?? "Empty")); 

  ValueNotifier<String> resourceNotifier = ValueNotifier(null);
  MethodChannel platform = const MethodChannel("com.example.example");

  Future<dynamic> handleNativeMethod(MethodCall call) async {
    // this NEVER updates the Text() widget. Always triggers the listener instead.
    resourceNotifier.value = "hello from native";

This goes also beyond ValueNotifiers. I've also tried moving to a Stateful Widget and setting state from handleNativeMethod. Even setState doesn't work from there.

Thanks in advance for the help!


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