Can't redefine service defined as constant

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Here is my temp.js

angular.module('temp', [])
    .service('tempFactory', function() {
        this.a =10;

and here is my temp.Spec.js

describe('temp', function() {
    var tempFactory;

    beforeEach(function() {
        var mockedTempFactory = {};

        module('temp', function($provide) {
            $provide.value('tempFactory', mockedTempFactory);

        mockedTempFactory.a = 20;

        inject(function(_tempFactory_) {
            tempFactory = _tempFactory_;

it('console.log of a property', function() {


In console I get value of 20.

But if I define tempFactory like this:

angular.module('temp', [])
    .constant('tempFactory', {
        a: 10;

In console I get value of 10.

Why can't I redefine tempFactory which was initially defined as constant, but can redefine tempFactory which was initially defined as service, value or factory?


There are 1 best solutions below


Because when you create a service, you provide a constructor function to it

.service('tempFactory', function() {
    this.a = 10;

Angular then creates an instance of this function kinda like this:

var tempFactoryInstance = new tempFactory();
return tempFactoryInstance;

and returns back exactly that instance, so you could access the a property right away.

But the constant does not do anything, it just returnes what you've passed to it, so

.constant('tempFactory', function() {
    this.a = 10;

will just return a function back to you. If you want to be able to access the property a in this situation, then you have to "instantiate" it:

var instance = new tempFactory();
console.log(instance.a); // 10

See the plunker.

You can read more about the behavior of different provider in the documentation.