Can this unwrap/pattern matching code be made more clear/idiomatic?

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I am exploring different ways of implementing a linked list in Rust as a learning project. In one particular place, I've got some code that works properly, but it makes multiple calls to unwrap--I am under the impression this is generally regarded as unsafe/poor style. I'd like to make it better.

Here are some relevant definitions, with some unimportant details elided. Note that it is a singly linked list, with owning next pointers. These definitions should all be straight-forward and skim-able; I'll separate out the interesting part for ease of reading.

type NodePtr<T> = Option<Box<Node<T>>>;
struct Node<T> {
    data: T,
    next: NodePtr<T>,
pub struct LinkedList<T> {
    head: NodePtr<T>,
impl<T> LinkedList<T> {
    pub fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Result<T, LinkedListError> {
        if self.head.is_none() {
            Err(LinkedListError { kind: LinkedListErrorKind::Empty })
        } else {
            Ok(LinkedList::pop_last_node(&mut self.head))
    // definition for pop_last_node coming up shortly...

In this particular implementation I'm experimenting with recursive functions, and this is my working version of pop_last_node.

fn pop_last_node(node_ref: &mut NodePtr<T>) -> T {
    match node_ref.as_ref().unwrap().next {
        None => {
            let old_tail = node_ref.take();
        _ => LinkedList::pop_last_node(&mut node_ref.as_mut().unwrap().next)

This is working correctly, but since I'm doing this as a learning experiment, I wanted to see if I could cut down on the unwrap calls and use some more pattern matching. This part of the experiment did not go as well.

Here is my attempt to do so. Unfortunately, this version is much more verbose (and confusing!) than the original. I especially don't like the "fall through out of this scope before you can do anything" part, but I haven't been able to come up with an idea on how to make it better.

fn pop_last_node(node_ref: &mut NodePtr<T>) -> T {
        let next_node = match node_ref.as_mut() {
            None => panic!("Error handling will go here..."),
            Some(node_box) => &mut,
        match *next_node {
            None => {
                // fall through to code below
            _ => {
                return LinkedList::pop_last_node(next_node)
    // no sense converting this to a match--the "None" case was already checked above

And that's where I am now. The main question is this: Is there a less crazy way to write the pattern matching version? Are there significant ways to improve the clarity or idiomatic-ness of either version?


There are 1 best solutions below


Due to the Box, pattern matching with boxes is messy on stable. If you are willing to use nightly until box patterns are stabilized, you can rewrite your pop_back function (instead of just the pop_last_node function):

pub fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Result<T, LinkedListError> {
    fn pop_last_node<T>(node: &mut NodePtr<T>) -> Option<T> {
        match node.take() {
            None => None,
            // is a leaf
            Some(box Node { next: None, data }) => Some(data),
            Some(mut this) => {
                // recurse
                let ret = pop_last_node(&mut;
                // put this subnode back, since it's not a leaf
                *node = Some(this);
    pop_last_node(&mut self.head).ok_or(LinkedListError {
        kind: LinkedListErrorKind::Empty

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