Can WeasyPrint fit to Paper Size Automatically

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I used to work for an organization that used Prince XML to generate PDF's of HTML documents. That organization has since folded, and I no longer have access to that Prince license. Since I don't have four grand between the couch cushions, I've been attempting to use WeasyPrint to render HTML invoices to PDF. My HTML & CSS are both quite simple, so Weasy has no problem rendering them accurately, with on caveat. I cannot get the page to scale down automatically to the paper size like I could in prince using:

@page {

Does anyone know if Weasy supports any similar command before I rework the CSS of the entire site to generate smaller documents?


There are 3 best solutions below


WeasyPrint does not support anything like this at the moment. Prince’s documentation is pretty sparse on what it does exactly. How is "the width of the content" determined? Given a proper specification of the feature, I could tell how hard it would be to add to WeasyPrint.

By the way, I do not usually watch StackOverflow for WeasyPrint question. Writing to WeasyPrint’s mailing list or issue tracker will get more response.


This might help if you're printing a pandas DataFrame

from typing import Callable
import pandas as pd
import weasyprint as wp

def html_basic(df: pd.DataFrame) -> str:
    # Using outputs an id in every cell,
    # whilst using df.to_html doesn't.

def write_pdf_autofit(df: pd.DataFrame,
                      preamble: str,
                      fn_df_to_html: Callable[[pd.DataFrame], str]=html_basic
                      ) -> bytes:
    template = f"""<html><body>{preamble}{{table}}</body></html>"""

    # Render on a very long page so that there's no pagination.
    # Width doesn't matter, because overflow is allowed on width.
    mycss = wp.CSS(string=(
        "@page longpage {\n"
        "    size: 210mm 10000mm;\n"
        "body {\n"
        "   page: longpage;\n"

    # Create a copy of the dataframe with a dummy final column,
    # so that we can get the position of the left side of the
    # dummy column which is the right side of the final real column.
    # Then do a test render to find the positions of stuff.
    df_tmp = df.copy()
    df_tmp['x'] = np.nan
    test_html = template.format(table=fn_df_to_html(df_tmp))
    test_render = wp.HTML(string=test_html).render(stylesheets=[mycss])
    test_page1: wp.Page = test_render.pages[0]

    # I'm not sure why only need to subtract one margin,
    # but seems to work.
    printable_width = test_page1.width - test_page1._page_box.margin_left
    printable_height = 11.7 * 96 - test_page1._page_box.margin_top

    # All the cells in the html rendered DataFrame
    # have an id so are anchors, so just find the
    # max x and y from all the anchors.
    max_x, max_y = map(max, *test_page1.anchors.values())
    zoom_pct = 1
    if max_x > printable_width or max_y > printable_height:
        zoom_pct = min([printable_width / max_x,
                        printable_height / max_y])

    # Increase the page size to fit the table, then
    # we will zoom out the write_pdf to fit standard page size.
    # A4 = 210mm x 297mm
    mycss = wp.CSS(string=(
        "@page scaled {\n"
        f"    size: {210 / zoom_pct}mm {297 / zoom_pct}mm;\n"
        "body {\n"
        "   page: scaled;\n"

    html = template.format(table=fn_df_to_html(df))
    pdf_bytes = wp.HTML(string=html).write_pdf(zoom=zoom_pct,
    return pdf_bytes

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import numpy as np
    DF = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(100, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
    with open(r'c:\temp\x.pdf', 'wb') as f:
        f.write(write_pdf_autofit(DF, ""))


By looking around for some ideas to format the pdf rendered by weasyprint, I found this question which might answer your question.

@page {
            size: Letter;
            margin: 0in 0.44in 0.2in 0.44in;

WeasyPrint page size wrong. (8.27in x 11.69 in)