Can you rebalance an unbalanced Spliterator of unknown size?

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I want to use a Stream to parallelize processing of a heterogenous set of remotely stored JSON files of unknown number (the number of files is not known upfront). The files can vary widely in size, from 1 JSON record per file up to 100,000 records in some other files. A JSON record in this case means a self-contained JSON object represented as one line in the file.

I really want to use Streams for this and so I implemented this Spliterator:

public abstract class JsonStreamSpliterator<METADATA, RECORD> extends AbstractSpliterator<RECORD> {

    abstract protected JsonStreamSupport<METADATA> openInputStream(String path);

    abstract protected RECORD parse(METADATA metadata, Map<String, Object> json);

    private static final int ADDITIONAL_CHARACTERISTICS = Spliterator.IMMUTABLE | Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.NONNULL;
    private static final int MAX_BUFFER = 100;
    private final Iterator<String> paths;
    private JsonStreamSupport<METADATA> reader = null;

    public JsonStreamSpliterator(Iterator<String> paths) {

    private JsonStreamSpliterator(long est, int additionalCharacteristics, Iterator<String> paths) {
        super(est, additionalCharacteristics);
        this.paths = paths;

    private JsonStreamSpliterator(long est, int additionalCharacteristics, Iterator<String> paths, String nextPath) {
        this(est, additionalCharacteristics, paths);

    public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super RECORD> action) {
        if(reader == null) {
            String path = takeNextPath();
            if(path != null) {
            else {
                return false;
        Map<String, Object> json = reader.readJsonLine();
        if(json != null) {
            RECORD item = parse(reader.getMetadata(), json);
            return true;
        else {
            reader = null;
            return tryAdvance(action);

    private void open(String path) {
        reader = openInputStream(path);

    private String takeNextPath() {
        synchronized(paths) {
            if(paths.hasNext()) {
        return null;

    public Spliterator<RECORD> trySplit() {
        String nextPath = takeNextPath();
        if(nextPath != null) {
            return new JsonStreamSpliterator<METADATA,RECORD>(Long.MAX_VALUE, ADDITIONAL_CHARACTERISTICS, paths, nextPath) {
                protected JsonStreamSupport<METADATA> openInputStream(String path) {
                    return JsonStreamSpliterator.this.openInputStream(path);
                protected RECORD parse(METADATA metaData, Map<String,Object> json) {
                    return JsonStreamSpliterator.this.parse(metaData, json);
        else {
            List<RECORD> records = new ArrayList<RECORD>();
            while(tryAdvance(records::add) && records.size() < MAX_BUFFER) {
                // loop
            if(records.size() != 0) {
                return records.spliterator();
            else {
                return null;

The problem I'm having is that while the Stream parallelizes beautifully at first, eventually the largest file is left processing in a single thread. I believe the proximal cause is well documented: the spliterator is "unbalanced".

More concretely, appears that the trySplit method is not called after a certain point in the Stream.forEach's lifecycle, so the extra logic to distribute small batches at the end of trySplit is rarely executed.

Notice how all the spliterators returned from trySplit share the same paths iterator. I thought this was a really clever way to balance the work across all spliterators, but it hasn't been enough to achieve full parallelism.

I would like the parallel processing to proceed first across files, and then when few large files are still left spliterating, I want to parallelize across chunks of the remaining files. That was the intent of the else block at the end of trySplit.

Is there an easy / simple / canonical way around this problem?


There are 3 best solutions below


After much experimentation, I was still not able to get any added parallelism by playing with the size estimates. Basically, any value other than Long.MAX_VALUE will tend to cause the spliterator to terminate too early (and without any splitting), while on the other hand a Long.MAX_VALUE estimate will cause trySplit to be called relentlessly until it returns null.

The solution I found is to internally share resources among the spliterators and let them rebalance amongst themselves.

Working code:

public class AwsS3LineSpliterator<LINE> extends AbstractSpliterator<AwsS3LineInput<LINE>> {

    public final static class AwsS3LineInput<LINE> {
        final public S3ObjectSummary s3ObjectSummary;
        final public LINE lineItem;
        public AwsS3LineInput(S3ObjectSummary s3ObjectSummary, LINE lineItem) {
            this.s3ObjectSummary = s3ObjectSummary;
            this.lineItem = lineItem;

    private final class InputStreamHandler {
        final S3ObjectSummary file;
        final InputStream inputStream;
        InputStreamHandler(S3ObjectSummary file, InputStream is) {
            this.file = file;
            this.inputStream = is;

    private final Iterator<S3ObjectSummary> incomingFiles;

    private final Function<S3ObjectSummary, InputStream> fileOpener;

    private final Function<InputStream, LINE> lineReader;

    private final Deque<S3ObjectSummary> unopenedFiles;

    private final Deque<InputStreamHandler> openedFiles;

    private final Deque<AwsS3LineInput<LINE>> sharedBuffer;

    private final int maxBuffer;

    private AwsS3LineSpliterator(Iterator<S3ObjectSummary> incomingFiles, Function<S3ObjectSummary, InputStream> fileOpener,
            Function<InputStream, LINE> lineReader,
            Deque<S3ObjectSummary> unopenedFiles, Deque<InputStreamHandler> openedFiles, Deque<AwsS3LineInput<LINE>> sharedBuffer,
            int maxBuffer) {
        super(Long.MAX_VALUE, 0);
        this.incomingFiles = incomingFiles;
        this.fileOpener = fileOpener;
        this.lineReader = lineReader;
        this.unopenedFiles = unopenedFiles;
        this.openedFiles = openedFiles;
        this.sharedBuffer = sharedBuffer;
        this.maxBuffer = maxBuffer;

    public AwsS3LineSpliterator(Iterator<S3ObjectSummary> incomingFiles, Function<S3ObjectSummary, InputStream> fileOpener, Function<InputStream, LINE> lineReader, int maxBuffer) {
        this(incomingFiles, fileOpener, lineReader, new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(), new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(), new ArrayDeque<>(maxBuffer), maxBuffer);

    public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super AwsS3LineInput<LINE>> action) {
        AwsS3LineInput<LINE> lineInput;
        synchronized(sharedBuffer) {
        if(lineInput != null) {
            return true;
        InputStreamHandler handle = openedFiles.poll();
        if(handle == null) {
            S3ObjectSummary unopenedFile = unopenedFiles.poll();
            if(unopenedFile == null) {
                return false;
            handle = new InputStreamHandler(unopenedFile, fileOpener.apply(unopenedFile));
        for(int i=0; i < maxBuffer; ++i) {
            LINE line = lineReader.apply(handle.inputStream);
            if(line != null) {
                synchronized(sharedBuffer) {
                    sharedBuffer.add(new AwsS3LineInput<LINE>(handle.file, line));
            else {
                return tryAdvance(action);
        return tryAdvance(action);

    public Spliterator<AwsS3LineInput<LINE>> trySplit() {
        synchronized(incomingFiles) {
            if (incomingFiles.hasNext()) {
                return new AwsS3LineSpliterator<LINE>(incomingFiles, fileOpener, lineReader, unopenedFiles, openedFiles, sharedBuffer, maxBuffer);
            } else {
                return null;

Your trySplit should output splits of equal size, regardless of the size of the underlying files. You should treat all the files as a single unit and fill up the ArrayList-backed spliterator with the same number of JSON objects each time. The number of objects should be such that processing one split takes between 1 and 10 milliseconds: lower than 1 ms and you start approaching the costs of handing off the batch to a worker thread, higher than that and you start risking uneven CPU load due to tasks which are too coarse-grained.

The spliterator is not obliged to report a size estimate, and you are already doing this correctly: your estimate is Long.MAX_VALUE, which is a special value meaning "unbounded". However, if you have many files with a single JSON object, resulting in batches of size 1, this will hurt your performance in two ways: the overhead of opening-reading-closing the file may become a bottleneck and, if you manage to escape that, the cost of thread handoff may be significant compared to the cost of processing one item, again causing a bottleneck.

Five years ago I was solving a similar problem, you can have a look at my solution.


This is not a direct answer to your question. But I think it is worth a try with Stream in library abacus-common:

void test_58601518() throws Exception {
    final File tempDir = new File("./temp/");

    // Prepare the test files:
    //    if (!(tempDir.exists() && tempDir.isDirectory())) {
    //        tempDir.mkdirs();
    //    }
    //    final Random rand = new Random();
    //    final int fileCount = 1000;
    //    for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) {
    //        List<String> lines = Stream.repeat(TestUtil.fill(Account.class), rand.nextInt(1000) * 100 + 1).map(it -> N.toJSON(it)).toList();
    //        IOUtil.writeLines(new File("./temp/_" + i + ".json"), lines);
    //    }

    N.println("Xmx: " + IOUtil.MAX_MEMORY_IN_MB + " MB");
    N.println("total file size: " + Stream.listFiles(tempDir).mapToLong(IOUtil::sizeOf).sum() / IOUtil.ONE_MB + " MB");

    final AtomicLong counter = new AtomicLong();
    final Consumer<Account> yourAction = it -> {
        it.toString().replace("a", "bbb");

    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Stream.listFiles(tempDir) // the file/data source could be local file system or remote file system.
            .parallel(2) // thread number used to load the file/data and convert the lines to Java objects.
            .flatMap(f -> Stream.lines(f).map(line -> N.fromJSON(Account.class, line))) // only certain lines (less 1024) will be loaded to memory. 
            .parallel(8) // thread number used to execute your action. 

    N.println("Took: " + ((System.currentTimeMillis()) - startTime) + " ms" + " to process " + counter + " lines/objects");

    // IOUtil.deleteAllIfExists(tempDir);

Till end, the CPU usage on my laptop is pretty high(about 70%), and it took about 70 seconds to process 51,899,100 lines/objects from 1000 files with Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8365U CPU and Xmx256m jvm memory. Total file size is about: 4524 MB. if yourAction is not a heavy operation, sequential stream could be even faster than parallel stream.

F.Y.I I'm the developer of abacus-common