Candid interface compatibility check failed in Motoko

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When I run the code dfx deploy, it shows:

Candid interface compatibility check failed for canister 'dbank'.
You are making a BREAKING change. Other canisters or frontend clients relying on your canister may stop working.

Method topUp: func (nat) -> () oneway is not a subtype of func () -> () oneway
Do you want to proceed? yes/No
Error: Refusing to install canister without approval

How can I solve the problem????

import Debug "mo:base/Debug";

actor DBank {

  var currentValue  = 300;
  currentValue := 100;

  let id = 12545856545;


public func topUp(amount: Nat){
    currentValue += amount;
 public func withdraw(amount: Nat) {
      if (amount <= currentValue) {
      currentValue -= amount;
      } else {
          Debug.print("amount too large, not enough balance");

I am trying to show my application to Candid user Interface.


There are 1 best solutions below


If I remember correctly you have to type yes and not y.