Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails. MagicDraw tables error

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I have an assignment where I have to make tables in MagicDraw and then to generate MySQL code. I pasted the generated code to SQL code section in phpMyAdmin and it showed an error:

SQL query:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS LogistikosCentras;

MySQL answer:

#1217 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

These are my tables:


And this is some of my code:

CREATE TABLE LogistikosCentras
    pavadinimas varchar (255) NOT NULL,
    adresas varchar (255) NOT NULL,
    telefonas int NOT NULL,
    el_pastas varchar (255) NOT NULL,
    id_LogistikosCentras integer NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(id_LogistikosCentras)

CREATE TABLE SiuntosPervezimoTarnyba
    pavadinimas varchar (255) NOT NULL,
    transportoPriemonesTalpa double precision NOT NULL,
    transportoPriemoniuKiekis int NOT NULL,
    transportoPriemone varchar (15) NOT NULL,
    pristatymoGreitis varchar (8) NOT NULL,
    id_SiuntosPervezimoTarnyba integer NOT NULL,
    CHECK(transportoPriemone in ('sunkvezimis', 'laivas', 'lektuvas', 
    CHECK(pristatymoGreitis in ('valandos', 'dienos')),
    PRIMARY KEY(id_SiuntosPervezimoTarnyba)

CREATE TABLE Darbuotojas
    vardas varchar (255) NOT NULL,
    pavarde varchar (255) NOT NULL,
    tabelio_nr char (255) NOT NULL,
    pareigos char (10) NOT NULL,
    id_Darbuotojas integer NOT NULL,
    fk_LogistikosCentrasid_Logistikoscentras integer NOT NULL,
    CHECK(pareigos in ('buhalteris', 'krovejas')),
    PRIMARY KEY(id_Darbuotojas, fk_LogistikosCentrasid_Logistikoscentras),
    CONSTRAINT dirba FOREIGN KEY(fk_LogistikosCentrasid_Logistikoscentras) 
REFERENCES LogistikosCentras (id_LogistikosCentras)

There are 1 best solutions below


I just reversed the order of the requests to delete tables and it worked.