Cannot implement representation type as type member

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While cracking my head over another question, I came across different riddles which seem related. This is one of them:

trait Sys[S <: Sys[S]] {
  type Peer <: Sys[Peer]

trait Fenced {
  type Peer <: Sys[Peer]

def makeFence[S <: Sys[S]] = new Fenced { type Peer = S#Peer }

Where the error is as follows:

error: overriding type Peer in trait Fenced with bounds >: Nothing <: Sys[this.Peer];
 type Peer has incompatible type
       def makeFence[S <: Sys[S]] = new Fenced { type Peer = S#Peer }

Why? (also tried to add self-type _:S => to Sys, didn't matter)

While Rex's answer makes it possible to construct the Fenced object, it does not really solve the issues I have with the representation type character getting lost when using a type projection (S#Peer). I have come up with another scenario which poses harder constraints; I think this is the core issue:

trait Test[S <: Sys[S]] {
  def make[T <: Sys[T]](): Unit


error: type arguments [S#Peer] do not conform to method make's type 
       parameter bounds [T <: Sys[T]]

There are 2 best solutions below


I still am not entirely certain what constraints you're looking for, but here is one possibility:

trait Sys[S <: Sys[S]] {
  type Peer <: Sys[Peer]

trait Fenced {
  type MySys <: Sys[MySys]
  type Peer = MySys#Peer

def makeFence[S <: Sys[S]] = new Fenced{ type MySys = S }

This gives you (and requires!) access to both Peer and the original outer type within Fenced. I am not sure whether Fenced may do this, or whether it must abstract across outer types.


Can you make Sys's type parameter covariant? For example, this compiles:

trait Sys[+S <: Sys[S]] { type Peer <: Sys[Peer] }
trait Fenced { type Peer <: Sys[Peer] }

def makeFence[S <: Sys[S]] = new Fenced { type Peer = S#Peer }

Now if we have the following (wrapped in an object only for REPL copy-paste convenience):

object Example {
  case class SysX(i: Int) extends Sys[SysX] { type Peer = SysY }
  case class SysY(j: Int) extends Sys[SysY] { type Peer = SysX }

import Example._

It works as I'd expect:

scala> val fenceX = makeFence[SysX]
fenceX: java.lang.Object with Fenced{type Peer = Example.SysX#Peer} = ...

scala> val y: fenceX.Peer = SysY(1)
y: fenceX.Peer = SysY(1)

scala> val y: fenceX.Peer = SysX(1)
<console>:15: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Example.SysX
 required: fenceX.Peer
       val y: fenceX.Peer = SysX(1)

Which (I think) is what you want?