CDI extension dynamic update property

179 Views Asked by At

I read some documents about CDI custom extensions and read some sample codes like Properties loader on this links : Link-A - Link-B.

I wrote a simple cdi extension like this codes .

public class SystemStatisticExtension implements Extension {

    public <T> void processInjectionTarget(@Observes ProcessInjectionTarget<T> pit) {
        AnnotatedType<T> at = pit.getAnnotatedType();
        InjectionTarget<T> it = pit.getInjectionTarget();
        if (at.isAnnotationPresent(Monitor.class)) {
            pit.setInjectionTarget(new MemoryInjectionPoint<>(it, at));

and this is my InjectionPointTarget implementation :

public class MemoryInjectionPoint<T> implements InjectionTarget<T> {

    private InjectionTarget<T> it;
    private AnnotatedType<T> at;
    private int kB = 1024;
    private int mB = kB / 1024;
    private int gB = mB / 1024;

    public MemoryInjectionPoint(InjectionTarget<T> it, AnnotatedType<T> at) { = it; = at;

    public void inject(T instance, CreationalContext<T> ctx) {
        it.inject(instance, ctx);
        int swapUsed = SystemPropertiesLoader.newInstance().getSwapUsed();
        Set<AnnotatedField<? super T>> annotatedFields = at.getFields();
        for (AnnotatedField<? super T> annotatedField : annotatedFields) {
            if (annotatedField.isAnnotationPresent(Memory.class)) {
                int memUsed = SystemPropertiesLoader.newInstance().getMemUsed();
                Memory memory = annotatedField.getAnnotation(Memory.class);
                Unit u = memory.unitType();
                switch (u) {
                    case KILOBYTE:
                        setFieldMemValue(instance, memUsed / kB, annotatedField);
                    case MEGABYTE:
                        setFieldMemValue(instance, memUsed / mB, annotatedField);
                    case GIGABYTE:
                        setFieldMemValue(instance, memUsed / gB, annotatedField);
            if (at.isAnnotationPresent(Swap.class)) {
                Memory memory = annotatedField.getAnnotation(Memory.class);
                Unit u = memory.unitType();
                switch (u) {
                    case kILOBYTE:
                        setFieldSwapValue(instance, swapUsed / kB, annotatedField);
                    case MEGABYTE:
                        setFieldSwapValue(instance, swapUsed / mB, annotatedField);
                    case GIGABYTE:
                        setFieldSwapValue(instance, swapUsed / gB, annotatedField);

    private void setFieldMemValue(T instance, int memUsed, AnnotatedField<? super T> annotatedField) {
        try {
            Field field = annotatedField.getJavaMember();
            field.setInt(instance, memUsed);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

    private void setFieldSwapValue(T instance, int swapUsed, AnnotatedField<? super T> annotatedField) {
        try {
            Field field = annotatedField.getJavaMember();
            field.setInt(instance, swapUsed);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

    public void postConstruct(T instance) {

    public void preDestroy(T instance) {

    public T produce(CreationalContext<T> ctx) {
        return it.produce(ctx);

    public void dispose(T instance) {

    public Set<InjectionPoint> getInjectionPoints() {
        return it.getInjectionPoints();

this is my SystemPropertiesLoader :

public class SystemPropertiesLoader {
    private static Supplier<Stream<String>> supplier;

    private SystemPropertiesLoader() {


    public static SystemPropertiesLoader newInstance() {
        supplier = () -> {
            Stream<String> lines = Stream.empty();
            try {
                lines = Files.lines(Paths.get("/proc/meminfo"));
            } catch (IOException e) {
            return lines;
        return new SystemPropertiesLoader();

    public int getMemTotal() {
        return Integer.valueOf(
                        .replace(" kB", ""));

    public int getMemFree() {
        return Integer.valueOf(
                        .replace(" kB", ""));

    public int getSwapTotal() {
        return Integer.valueOf(supplier.get()
                .replace(" kB", ""));

    public int getSwapFree() {
        return Integer.valueOf(supplier.get()
                .replace(" kB", ""));

    public int getMemUsed() {
        return getMemTotal() - getMemFree();

    public int getSwapUsed() {
        return getSwapTotal() - getSwapFree();

and annotations :

public @interface Memory {
    Unit unitType() default Unit.MEGABYTE;

public @interface Monitor {

and this is my used case :

public class MemoryMonitor {

    private int memUsed;

    public int getMemUsed() {
        return memUsed;

Now my problem is memUsed property not changed after update /proc/meminfo .
What is wrong ?
Can create dynamic CDI extension for do that ?
Note 1 : I copy and paste whole my code .
Note 2 : /proc/meminfo is information of memory used in Linux&Unix Operating systems supported proc filesystem .


There are 1 best solutions below


Expanding the comment, let me first say that injection occurs only once per instance of a bean. Beans are usually created once per scope so they are not automatically given the chance to adapt to changes that occur during their life. I can think of two things:

1) Use events to notify interested parties of changes

The principle is simple (the observer pattern). I do not know how to track the changes in /proc/meminfo (is java.nio.file.WatchService enough?), but as long as you have detected a change, the emit an event:

public class MemInfoEvent {
    private int memUsed;
    // constructor and getter

When you sense a change, call the following bean:

import javax.enterprise.event.Event;

public class MemInfoEventEmitter {
    private Event<MemInfo> memInfoEvent;

    public void handleMemInfoChange(int memUsed) { MemInfoEvent(memUsed));

And watch the change, wherever needed:

public class BeanInterestedInMemChanges {
    public void memInfoChanged(@Observes MemInfoEvent e) {
        // do what you must

2) Use a java.util.function.IntSupplier (or equivalent)

The supplier is a CDI bean that knows how to get the memUsed, e.g.:

public class MemUsedSupplier implements IntSupplier {
    private SystemPropertiesLoader systemPropertiesLoader = ...; // could be injected, if this is more appropriate

    public int getAsInt() {
        return systemPropertiesLoader.getMemUsed();

NOTE: The implementation above might be inefficient! Use as a starting point - proof of concept! The inefficiency is reading /proc/meminfo too many times, if getAsInt() is called frequently. You may want to implement some kind of caching/throttling.

You may even implement the MemoryMonitor in terms of the SystemPropertiesLoader, again taking care of potential inefficiencies.