Change Eclipse Indigo Debug Appereance

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I have a problem with Eclipse Preference. I cannot see anything in the debug-layout which pops up when you hover over a variable, but sometimes pictures can say more than words:

balck Background on Eclipse Debug

how can I adjust the colors for that (especially the Background Color), as it appears sometimes in Eclipses Menus as well.

EDIT: According to the first answer

I tried to set to default with no result. I also cannot follow your provided guide to find debug_background option. Here is the output from Eclipse if I type Appearance inside:

enter image description here


There are 4 best solutions below


I don't think I have a good answer for you, but I have my own experience. Based on what I see in your illustration, you're not running Ubuntu/GNOME, so my answer may not satisfy you.

This sort of thing is a balance between the underlying OS and the application. For example, on Ubuntu (GNOME, pre-Unity), nothing satisfactory is in my opinion possible short of changing the overall (GNOME) theme. In my case, while I like the default Ubuntu theme, I find I can't see (the same stuff you're showing) adequately unless I resort to Clearlooks. And so I gave up trying to fix this long ago with Eclipse Preferences and just always go with that theme.

Maybe this will help you or someone else.


Have you tried Window->Preferences then search Appearance in the input box above the categories on the left and clicking Restore Defaults?

If you don't want to restore everything there is a Debug sub-folder with background colour option


You should modify GTK system theme you are using.

sudo vim /usr/share/themes/%your_theme%/%gtk_you_are_using%/gtkrc

style "clearlooks-tooltips" = "clearlooks-default"
        xthickness = 4
        ythickness = 4
        bg[NORMAL] = { 0.30,0.30,0.30 }
widget "gtk-tooltips" style "clearlooks-tooltips"

in case somebody bumps into this post and xfce-display-appearance-settings is not a recognised command, as in my case, this command worked for me:


( from ) . I haven't tested the other ones, but the Clearlooks ( Style -> Clearlooks ) solves the problem. I haven't tried any other ones but it probably isn't the only one.