Change Set Operations Not Working in AWS Ruby SDK

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I cannot use any of the change set operations in the AWS Ruby SDK. All other create/list/update/delete operations appear to work correctly, but any change set operation gives an error like NoMethodError: undefined method 'list_change_sets' for #<Aws::CloudFormation::Client>


There are 1 best solutions below


The Change Sets feature was added in v2.2.31 of the AWS Ruby SDK, so you will need to make sure that your current version is greater than or equal to this (using Aws::VERSION, or checking your Gemfile.lock if using Bundler).

If using Bundler, you can run bundle update aws-sdk to update the SDK to the latest version (make sure that the constraint in your Gemfile is appropriate), or if you're just using RubyGems directly run gem update aws-sdk.