Changing a property with generic key on React Class with Immer

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I'm trying update the values of a form, utilizing the Component as a class, and trying to do less code, tried to use Immer for this.

State Class

interface State {
 term: Term,

Term Class

interface Term{
 firstname: string,
 surname: string,
 address: Address,

Address Class

interface Address{
 zipcode: string,
 street: string,

The changes on Address are made by this handler

 handleAddressChange = (newValue:string, key:keyof Address) => {
      this.setState((prevVal) => {
        prevVal.term.address = produce<Address>(prevVal.term.address,(draft) => {
          draft[key] = newValue;

In the draft[key]... line, i just receive the error 'Type 'string' cannot be assigned to type 'never' even typing the produce with . How is possible to fix that?


this.setState(produce<State>(state =>{
      const newState: State = { ...state };
      newState.term.address = {...newState.term.address, [modelKey]: newValue}
      return newState;

Worked for now, if you know another way type below.


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