Characters with space awareness for Hololens

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I've seen a similar question to mine in this website(space-conscious character for Hololens), but I'd like to explain more precisely what I want to do. I'd like to do the same of the following video in the minute 3:09:

I've read that a user has replied with some suggestions. In particular, the use of Spatial Awareness System or the use of Solver system. But I don't understand how them could help for what I want to do. Online there are very few tutorial of those systems.

More precisely, for my project I have some characters and all of them have to have awareness of the space. For example, like in the video, those characters have to jump from the sofà to another forniture. In brief, they have to understand the space around them.

How can I do? Do you also think that the Spatial Awareness System and the Solver system are the best methods? Do you know any tutorials that could help me?


There are 1 best solutions below


But I don't understand how them could help for what I want to do

Spatial Awareness System of MRTK provided a collection of meshes, representing the geometry of the environment, which allowed for compelling interactions between holograms and the real-world. And Spatial Awareness System provide a convenient and rapid path for getting started with Spatial mapping. Therefore, it is the core feature to realize your ideas.

If you are not familiar with Spatial mapping you can start with Spatial mapping in unity. For how to use Spatial Awareness System, please refer to Spatial Awareness