Check uncheck switcher

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Hello I am using abpetkov/switchery to render those beautiful switches. There is a problem that I am facing which is that I want to enable or disable switches using jquery and by enable and disable I mean check and uncheck. I can't figure out how to do it. Can somebody tell me how to do it I'm rendering it like this

        <input type='checkbox' name='record-call' data-render='switchery' data-theme='default' id="abcd"  /></td>

the problem that I'm facing is whenever I try to check or uncheck the switcher like this $( "#hour-1" ).prop( "checked", true ); it checks/unchecks the check box but does not effects the switcher


There are 1 best solutions below


Capture the onchange event and then trigger the click event. I kind of did it like this You must be wondering why I wrote next. Well if you inspect you input box you will see that there is a span underneath the input box. that is your switcher. just trigger the click event on that.

        <input type='checkbox' name='record-call' data-render='switchery' data-theme='default' id="abcd"  onchange="fun(this)"/></td>

function fun(e){

Hope it helps. Feel free to ask anything if you have any confusion.