Checking the Playback state of a player object in tvOS using tvJS

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does anyone know how to correctly check the playback state of a player object? Im trying to build a tvOS application and I need to check when the video has ended. *This app is not native it is build using TVJS. This is what I have right now, but its not working:

if (player.playbackState == "end") {

Thanks again.


There are 1 best solutions below


One possibility: Hook into event stateDidChange

player.addEventListener("stateDidChange", videoPlayer.onStateDidChange);

then check for what you are interested in:

videoPlayer.onStateDidChange: function(stateObj) {
  console.log("onStateDidChange: "+stateObj.oldState+" to "+stateObj.state);

    // states: begin, scanning, loading, paused, playing, end

(with videoPlayer being kind of wrapper around the TVJS player. See for more details.)