citations in Pandoc footnotes rendered as numerals

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I am getting a weird result when I convert markdown to PDF using Pandoc. This is for academic writing with footnotes generated via citeproc; a bibtex library generated by Zotero; and a Chicago csl file. Most of the footnotes are fine, but sometimes where I should see a book or article I just get a numeral.

When I write the following in Markdown

^[@melvilleMobyDick, 155]

I want a footnote that says

Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, p. 155

but I get

1, p. 155

The problem seems to be in the transition from markdown to LaTeX; the latter output is:

\footnote{1, 155}

My shell command is:

$ pandoc -o article.latex --filter=pandoc-citeproc

And I am using this YAML header:

title: Essay
bibliography: My_Library.bib
csl: chicago_fullnote_ibid.csl

Many thanks for your help.


There are 1 best solutions below


You're using chicago_fullnote_ibid.csl, which styles citations as footnotes. So just do [@melvilleMobyDick, 155] instead of ^[@melvilleMobyDick, 155] and it will turn into a footnote.