Classes convertor

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I have the following class People:

class People
    public enum Gender
        Man = 'w',
        Woman = 'f'

    public struct Person
        public string First, Last;
        public Gender Gender;
        public int Age;
        public float Height, Weight;

    public struct Group
        public int Members;
        public string Name;

Now, we are located in the class Program:

class Program
    static void Main( string[] args )
        People.Person p = new People.Person();

        p.First = "Victor";
        p.Last = "Barbu";
        p.Age = 14;
        p.Height = 175;
        p.Weight = 62;
        p.Gender = People.Gender.Man;


I want to put a line like this:

Console.Write( x.toString() );

How can I customize the x.toString() method, so the result to be the following in the Console

Victor Barbu
14 years
175 cm
62 kg


Thanks in advance!


There are 3 best solutions below


Just overrive the ToString() method

    public override string ToString()
        // return the value you want here.

You want to override the ToString method in the Person class. See:

In your case

public class Person
   // Snip
   public override string ToString()
       return this.First + " " + this.Last; 

If you then do


The expected output would be the first and last name, you can obviously extend this to include your other fields and line breaks, etc.

Side note; what you are doing is really "pretty printing" I would suggest creating a static method "public static string PrettyPrintPerson(Person p)" or similar, to deal with textual formatting of the class.

class People 

    public override string ToString()
        //This will return exactly what you just put down with line breaks
        // then just call person.ToString()
        return string.format("{1} {2}{0}{3} years{0}{4}{0}{5} cm{0}{6} kg", Environment.NewLine,
            First, Last, Age, Gender, Height, Weight);