I have an error in function.
is click house driver --- from clickhouse_driver import Client
I called function with keys = "4"
def multi_get(self, keys: str) -> dict:
if not self.initialized:
keys_joined = "'" + "', '".join(keys) + "'"
print(f"PPPP_1 {keys_joined}") # 4
found = self.client.execute(
f'SELECT max(arrivalTime), key, argMax(data, arrivalTime)'
f' FROM {self.database}.cache'
f' WHERE key in ({keys_joined})'
f' and arrivalTime > now() - INTERVAL {self.expiration_interval}'
' GROUP BY key'
And received error. How can I fix the error?
File "/home/alex/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/clickhouse_driver/client.py", line 118, in receive_packet raise packet.exception clickhouse_driver.errors.ServerException: Code: 62. DB::Exception: Syntax error: failed at position 137 ('GROUP'): GROUP BY key. Expected one of: HOUR, DD, SQL_TSI_QUARTER, S, SQL_TSI_YEAR, YEAR, LIKE,
The error message is trying to tell you.
This generates invalid SQL. The
requires a unit, likeINTERVAL 1 HOUR
, or else. The list of supported types can be found in the documentation:Maybe you want: