Clojure parse nested vectors

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I am looking to transform a clojure tree structure into a map with its dependencies

For example, an input like:

[{:value "A"} 
  [{:value "B"} 
    [{:value "C"} {:value "D"}] 
  [{:value "E"} [{:value "F"}]]]]

equivalent to:



 {:A [:B :E] :B [:C :D] :C [] :D [] :E [:F] :F}

I have taken a look at tree-seq and zippers but can't figure it out!


There are 2 best solutions below


Here's a way to build up the desired map while using a zipper to traverse the tree. First let's simplify the input tree to match your output format (maps of :value strings → keywords):

(def tree
  [{:value "A"}
   [{:value "B"} [{:value "C"} {:value "D"}]
    {:value "E"} [{:value "F"}]]])

(def simpler-tree
   #(if (map? %) (keyword (:value %)) %)
;; [:A [:B [:C :D] :E [:F]]]

Then you can traverse the tree with loop/recur and, using two loop bindings: the current position in tree, and the map being built.

(loop [loc (z/vector-zip simpler-tree)
       deps {}]
  (if (z/end? loc)
    deps ;; return map when end is reached
     (z/next loc) ;; advance through tree
     (if (z/branch? loc)
       ;; for (non-root) branches, add top-level key with direct descendants
       (if-let [parent (some-> (z/prev loc) z/node)]
         (assoc deps parent (filterv keyword? (z/children loc)))
       ;; otherwise add top-level key with no direct descendants
       (assoc deps (z/node loc) [])))))
=> {:A [:B :E], :B [:C :D], :C [], :D [], :E [:F], :F []}

This is easy to do using the tupelo.forest library. I reformatted your source data to make it fit into the Hiccup syntax:

  (let [relationhip-data-hiccup [:A
        expected-result         {:A [:B :E]
                                 :B [:C :D]
                                 :C []
                                 :D []
                                 :E [:F]
                                 :F []} ]
      (with-forest (new-forest)
        (let [root-hid (tf/add-tree-hiccup relationhip-data-hiccup)
              result   (apply glue (sorted-map)
                         (forv [hid (all-hids)]
                           (let [parent-tag (grab :tag (hid->node hid))
                                 kid-tags   (forv [kid-hid (hid->kids hid)]
                                              (let [kid-tag (grab :tag (hid->node kid-hid))]
                             {parent-tag kid-tags})))]
          (is= (format-paths (find-paths root-hid [:A]))
            [[{:tag :A}
              [{:tag :B} [{:tag :C}] [{:tag :D}]]
              [{:tag :E} [{:tag :F}]]]])
          (is= result  expected-result ))))))

API docs are here. The project README (in progress) is here. A video from the 2017 Clojure Conj is here.

You can see the above live code in the project repo.