Closure disable URL substitution with autoescape=strict

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I am rendering a soy template using Closure for a chrome extension and am having trouble inserting chrome-extension://* links since they are being filtered by soy.$$filterNormalizeUri

While normally it would be undesirable to allow chrome-extension://* links, it makes sense within a chrome extension.

Is there a way to whitelist the protocol or allow a particular case of unfiltered URL substitution (perhaps using soy.$$normalizeUri instead of soy.$$filterNormalizeUri)? The input is not user-defined and should be safe for consumption.


{template .t}
  {foreach $src in $list}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$src}" />

Where $list is a generated list of stylesheet paths beginning with chrome-extension://*

The error returned is Uncaught AssertionError: Failure: Bad valuechrome-extension://...for |filterNormalizeUri

Info about escaping:


There are 1 best solutions below


If the elements of $list are SanitizedContent instances instead of strings, then I think they should not be escaped.