Cloud Run: Why does my instance need so much RAM?

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I have a Golang process that runs SQL queries on a 400MB SQLite file.

I am using with the connection string:


When run on my dev machine on Docker it only needs 20MB of RAM, but on Google Run any instance smaller than 512MB will return HTTP code 500 with a memory exceeded limit in the logs.

docker diff x shows that the DB file is not modified (which I assume would cause gVisor to copy the whole binary SQLite db file to RAM to modify it).

How the docker image is built

I am copying the SQLite DB file into the image with the source code:

FROM golang:latest
COPY . /go/src/api

I have a global var in my Golang file: var db *sqlx.DB

This gets set in the main fn, before ListenAndServe:

conStr := fmt.Sprintf("file:%s?mode=ro&_journal=DELETE", *fileName)
dbConn, err := sqlx.Open("sqlite3", conStr)
db = dbConn

I query the db within a HTTP request:

err := db.Selectv(&outDataSet, "SELECT...", arg1, arg2)

Why this must be an issue with the Cloud Run environment

docker stats never goes above 20MB when run locally.

Limiting docker run to 20MB RAM also runs fine on my dev machine:

docker run \
  --memory=20m \
  --memory-swap=20m \

The Cloud Run "Container Memory Allocation" metric also stays well below 128M:

Container Memory Allocation



There are 2 best solutions below


According to the official documentation:

Configuring Memory Limits

Cloud Run container instances that exceed their allowed memory limit are terminated.

The following count towards the available memory of your container instance:

a.running the application executable (as the executable must be loaded to memory)

b.allocating memory in your application process

c.writing files to the filesystem

The size of the deployed container image does not count towards the available memory.

Also I would suggest to consider:

Are your container instances exceeding memory?

Your container instances might be exceeding the available memory. To determine if this is the case, look for such errors in the varlog/system logs. If the instances are exceeding the available memory, consider increasing the memory limit.

Note that the Cloud Run container instances run in an environment where the files written to the local filesystem count towards the available memory. This also includes any log files that are not written to /var/log/* or /dev/log.

It seems that your container file systems is using the memory.


In the Cloud Run (fully managed) environment disk storage is an in-memory filesystem. link