Coldfusion 9 webservice error

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I am trying to run a webservice using coldfusion. I can run the wsdl in the browser fine. When I try to run it via coldfusion I get:

Unable to parse WSDL as an XML document. 

Parsing error: Fatal Error: URI=null Line=-1: Premature end of file. 
It is recommended that you use a web browser to retrieve and examine the requested WSDL document to ensure it is correct.   

I have tried multiple methods:

ws = CreateObject("webservice", "******", wsargs); 
req = getSOAPRequest(ws); 
<cfdump var="#req#">

<cfset wsargs = structNew()>
<cfset wsargs["login"]="******">
<cfset wsargs["password"]="******">
<cfinvoke webservice="******" 

<cfinvoke webservice="******" 
<cfinvokeargument name="login" value="******"/> 
<cfinvokeargument name="password" value="******"/> 

But all give me this error. I have see other related errors and have tried the solutions in them, such as clearing out the Application.cfc/cfm and adding refreshwsdl='true' to the cfinvoke, none of which have done anything. Can anyone help me with this?



There are 1 best solutions below


I guess I didnt have a full understanding of how this works. The url I was trying to use was to what I guess was the wsdl definition. I ran url an via wizdler ran the method. That then gave me a soap request that I then saved in a cfcsave content tag. My final code that worked looks like:

<cfset strURL = "******">
<cfsavecontent variable="strXML">
<Envelope xmlns="">
    <QaaWSHeader xmlns="VendorInfo">
    <runQueryAsAService xmlns="VendorInfoLR">

<cfhttp url="#strURL#" method="post" useragent="#CGI.http_user_agent#" result="objGet">
<cfhttpparam type="XML" value="#strXML.Trim()#" />

Idea from :

This soap stuff is new to me, and I have more research to do to fully understand it. :)