Combine bezier curves with points to fill in color

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I am a super beginner with no coding experience learning here goes and this question probably doesn't make that much sense but I'll try...

I'm trying to fill in a diagram with color. The diagram consists of points forming a line, and a few bezier curves in between those lines. I have the outline of the diagram, but can't get a fill in color because they are points. I can fill in the color when it's just points forming a line, with strokeLoop, but I can't get it to go from the first point (with points forming a line) with intermediate bezier curves, to fill in color in the right place. Here is my code, and I know it's probably really bad and everything but I'm just trying this out.

illustrateBézier c1 c2 x2 = fromSegments [bézier3 c1 c2 x2]

x2 = r2 ((-1.29328),-0.96997)
[c1,c2] = map r2 [(0,0), ((-0.8083),(-0.32332))]

-- x2 = r2 ((-202.69570000000002),(-589.7937700000001))
-- [c1,c2] = map r2 [((-201.4019),(-588.8238000000001)), ((-202.21020000000001),(-589.1471200000001))]

az2 = illustrateBézier c1 c2 x2 

illustrateBézier1 c3 c4 x3 = fromSegments [bézier3 c3 c4 x3]

x3 = r2 ((-2.1016),(-3.39488))
[c3,c4] = map r2 [((-0.485),(-0.64664)), ((-2.1016),(-3.39488))]

az3 = illustrateBézier1 c3 c4 x3

az1 = fromOffsets . map r2 $[(-0.32332,85.35713), (1.6166,0.96996), (3.07157,0.16166), (1.45494,-1.13162), (2.58658,0.0), (0.16167,2.9099), (6.95143,6.78977), (0.48499,2.58658), (3.39488,-1.93994), (0.64665,-0.16166), (0.32332,-3.07156), (1.45494,-1.61661), (1.13164,-0.16166), (1.93993,-1.45496), (3.07156,2.1016), (0.64665,2.90991), (1.93993,1.13162), (1.13163,2.42492), (3.87988,1.77827), (3.39488,5.98147), (2.74823,3.87986), (2.26326,2.74825), (1.45496,3.7182), (5.01149,1.77828), (5.17317,2.10159), (0.96996,4.36486), (0.48498,3.07156), (-0.96996,3.39489), (-1.77828,2.26325), (-1.61661,-0.8083), (-1.45495,-3.07157), (-2.74824,-1.45494), (-1.77827,-1.13164), (-0.80831,0.80831), (1.45495,2.74825), (0.16166,3.7182), (-1.13163,0.48498), (-1.93993,-1.93993), (-2.10159,-1.29329), (0.48498,1.61661), (1.29328,1.77828), (-0.8083,0.8083)]

az4 = fromOffsets . map r2 $[(-0.96997,-2.26326)]

illustrateBézier2 c5 c6 x4 = fromSegments [bézier3 c5 c6 x4]

x4 = r2 ((-0.96997),0.96996)
[c5,c6] = map r2 [(0,0), ((-0.32332), 1.29329)]

az5 = illustrateBézier2 c5 c6 x4

illustrateBézier3 c7 c8 x5 = fromSegments [bézier3 c7 c8 x5]

x5 = r2 ((-1.29329),(-1.45494))
[c7,c8] = map r2 [((-0.64665),(-0.32332)), ((-1.29329),(-1.45494))]

az6 = illustrateBézier3 c7 c8 x5

az7 = fromOffsets . map r2 $[ (1.77827,-1.93994), (-1.45495,-1.45495), (0.0,-5.0115), (-0.8083,0.0), (-0.8083,3.39488), (-1.13164,0.485), (-0.96996,-3.71822), (-0.64665,-3.71821), (-0.80831,-0.48498), (0.32333,5.65815), (0.0,1.13162), (-1.45496,-1.29328), (-3.55654,-5.98147), (-2.1016,-0.48498), (-0.64664,-3.71821), (-1.61661,-2.9099), (-1.61662,-1.13164), (0.0,-2.26325), (2.1016,-1.29329), (-0.48498,-0.32332), (-2.58658,0.64664), (-3.39489,-2.42491), (-2.58658,-2.90991), (-4.84983,-2.58658), (-4.04154,-2.58658), (1.2933,-3.23322), (0.0,-1.61661), (-1.77828,1.61661), (-2.9099,1.13163), (-3.71821,-1.13163), (-5.65815,-2.42491), (-5.49647,0.0), (-0.64664,0.48498), (-6.46645,-3.87988), (-2.1016,-0.32332), (-2.74824,-5.8198), (-3.55655,0.32332), (-3.55655,1.45495), (0.48499,4.52652), (1.13162,-2.9099), (0.96998,0.32332), (-1.45496,4.36485), (3.23322,-2.74824), (0.64665,1.61661), (-3.87987,4.36485), (-1.29329,-0.32332), (-0.48498,-1.93994), (-1.29329,-0.8083), (-1.29329,1.13163), (-2.74824,-1.77827), (-3.07157,2.1016), (-1.77826,2.10159), (-3.39489,2.1016), (-4.68818,-0.16167), (-0.48498,-2.10159), (3.7182,-0.64665), (0.0,-1.29328), (-2.26326,-0.64666), (0.96998,-2.42491), (2.26325,-3.87987), (0.0,-1.77827), (0.16166,-0.80831), (4.36486,-2.26326), (0.96996,1.29329), (2.74825,0.0), (-1.29329,-2.58657), (-3.71822,-0.32333), (-5.01149,2.74824), (-2.42492,3.39488), (-1.77827,2.58659), (-1.13163,2.26326), (-4.20319,1.45494), (-3.07157,2.58658), (-0.323321,1.61662), (2.263257,0.96997), (0.808313,2.10158), (-2.748249,3.23323), (-6.466439,4.2032), (-7.759747,4.20319), (-2.101597,1.13162), (-5.334818,1.13164), (-5.334826,2.26325), (1.778275,1.29329), (-1.454954,1.45495), (-0.484982,1.13163), (-2.748238,-0.96997), (-3.23322,0.16166), (-0.808312,2.26326), (-0.969963,0.0), (0.323321,-2.42492), (-3.556551,1.2933), (-2.909899,0.96996), (-3.394886,-1.29329), (-2.909901,1.93993), (-3.233224,0.0), (-2.101597,1.2933), (-1.616612,0.8083), (-2.101595,-0.32332), (-2.58658,-1.13163), (-2.263257,0.64665), (-0.969967,0.96996), (-1.616613,-1.13162), (0.0,-1.93994), (3.071564,-1.29329), (6.304787,0.64665), (4.364853,-1.61662), (2.101596,-2.10159), (2.909902,-0.64665), (1.778273,-0.80831), (2.748241,0.16166), (1.616612,1.2933), (0.969963,-0.32332), (2.263257,-2.74824), (3.07157,-0.96998), (3.39488,-0.64664), (1.293294,-0.32332), (0.646642,0.48498), (0.808312,0.0), (1.293284,-3.71821), (4.041533,-1.45494), (1.939936,-3.71821), (2.263259,-4.52652), (1.616615,-1.45495), (0.323321,-2.58658), (-1.616615,1.29329), (-3.394893,0.64665), (-0.646642,-2.42492), (-1.293284,-0.32332), (-0.969973,0.96996), (-0.16166,2.90991), (-1.454955,-0.16167), (-1.454944,-5.8198), (-1.293294,1.29328), (-1.131624,-0.48498), (-0.32332,-1.93993), (-4.041533,0.16166), (-2.101596,1.13163), (-2.586578,-0.32332), (1.454944,-1.45495), (0.484981,-2.58658), (-0.646641,-1.93994), (1.454954,-0.96996), (1.293284,-0.16166), (-0.646642,-1.77828), (0.0,-4.36485), (-0.969963,-0.96997), (-0.808312,1.45495), (-6.143123,0.0), (-1.454951,-1.29329), (-0.646645,-3.87986), (-2.101596,-3.55656), (0.0,-0.96996), (2.101596,-0.80831), (0.161661,-2.1016), (1.131628,-1.13162), (-0.808305,-0.48498), (-1.29329,0.48498), (-1.131628,-2.74824), (0.969967,-5.01151), (4.526514,-3.23321), (2.586575,-1.61662), (1.939936,-3.7182), (2.748249,-1.2933), (2.586578,1.13164), (0.323321,2.42492), (2.424917,-0.32334), (3.23322,-2.42491), (1.616615,0.64665), (0.969962,0.64664), (1.616615,0.0), (2.263259,-1.29329), (0.808313,-4.36486)]

illustrateBézier4 c9 c10 x6 = fromSegments [bézier3 c9 c10 x6]

x6 = r2 (0.969963,(-3.39488))
[c9,c10] = map r2 [(0,0), (0.323321,(-2.90989))]

az8 = illustrateBézier4 c9 c10 x6

illustrateBézier5 c11 c12 x7 = fromSegments [bézier3 c11 c12 x7]

x7 = r2 (0.969963,(-0.96996))
[c11,c12] = map r2 [(0.646642,(-0.48498)), (0.969963,(-0.96996))]

az9 = illustrateBézier5 c11 c12 x7
-- c 0,0 0.323321,-2.90989 0.969963,-3.39488 0.646642,-0.48498 0.969963,-0.96996 0.969963,-0.96996 

az10 = fromOffsets . map r2 $[ (-1.131623,-1.93994), (-2.58658,0.80831), (-3.23323,0.8083), (-1.939936,-0.48498), (-3.556541,-1.77828), (-5.011495,-0.16166), (-3.556551,-3.7182), (0.484981,-3.87987), (0.646652,-2.42492), (-2.101596,-1.77827), (-1.939938,-3.71822), (0.484983,-0.8083), (6.789771,-0.48498), (2.101596,0.0), (0.969963,0.96996), (0.646652,0.0), (-0.16166,-1.61661), (3.879862,-0.64664), (2.586577,0.32332), (1.454955,1.13163), (-1.454955,2.1016), (-0.484981,1.45494), (2.748249,1.61662), (5.011497,1.77827), (1.778276,-0.96996), (-2.263257,-4.36485), (-0.969974,-3.23323), (0.969974,-0.80831), (-3.394891,-1.93993), (-0.484983,-1.13164), (0.484983,-1.6166), (-0.808304,-3.87987), (-2.909909,-4.68818), (-2.424918,-4.20319), (2.909909,-1.93994), (3.233222,0.0), (1.778276,0.64665), (4.203192,-0.16166), (3.718205,-3.55654), (1.131633,-3.07157), (3.718212,-2.42492), (1.616604,0.96997), (2.748239,-0.64665), (3.718209,-2.1016), (1.13164,-0.16166), (0.96996,0.80832), (4.52651,-0.16167), (2.74824,-3.07156), (1.13163,0.0), (3.55655,2.42491), (1.93993,2.1016), (-0.48498,1.13163), (0.64664,1.13163), (1.61662,-1.61661), (3.87987,0.32332), (0.32332,3.7182), (1.93994,1.45496), (7.11309,0.64664), (6.30479,4.20319), (1.45494,-0.96996), (5.17317,2.58658), (2.10159,-0.64664), (1.93994,-0.80832), (4.84983,1.93994), (4.36486,2.9099)]

example3 = mconcat
           [az1 #scaleY (-1)  #lc black #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (158.0767 & (-453.67502)) 
           ,az2 #scaleY (-1) #lc red #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (201.4019 & (-588.8238000000001)) 
           ,az3 #scaleY (-1) #lc blue #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (200.10862 & (-587.8538300000001)) 
           ,az4 #scaleY (-1) #lc green #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (198.00702 & (-584.4589500000002)) 
           ,az5 #scaleY (-1) #lc red #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (197.03705000000002 & (-582.1956900000002)) 
           ,az6 #scaleY (-1) #lc blue #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (196.06708000000003 & (-583.1656500000003)) 
           ,az7 #scaleY (-1) #lc green #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (194.77379000000002 & (-581.7107100000003)) 
           ,az8 #scaleY (-1) #lc green #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (79.50934400000003 & (-491.6654000000003)) 
           ,az9 #scaleY (-1) #lc green #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (80.47930700000003 & (-488.2705200000003)) 
           ,az10 #scaleY (-1) #lc green #fc blue #lw 0.5 #translate (81.44927000000004 & (-487.3005600000003)) 

There are 1 best solutions below


Actually, as the az1..az10 are just curves, you can't fill them, so you can delete the fc blue in the function example3, they do nothing. You can also map scaleY (-1) and lw 0.5, as they are common to every diagrams in the list, like that:

example3 = mconcat $ map (scale (-1) . lw 0.5)
       [ az1 # lc black # translate (r2 (158.0767, -453.67502)) 
       , az2 # lc red # translate (r2 (201.4019, -588.8238000000001)) 
       , az3 # lc blue # translate (r2 (200.10862, -587.8538300000001)) 
       , az4 # lc green # translate (r2 (198.00702, -584.4589500000002)) 
       , az5 # lc red # translate (r2 (197.03705000000002, -582.1956900000002)) 
       , az6 # lc blue # translate (r2 (196.06708000000003, -583.1656500000003)) 
       , az7 # lc green # translate (r2 (194.77379000000002, -581.7107100000003)) 
       , az8 # lc green # translate (r2 (79.50934400000003, -491.6654000000003)) 
       , az9 # lc green # translate (r2 (80.47930700000003, -488.2705200000003)) 
       , az10 # lc green # translate (r2 (81.44927000000004, -487.3005600000003)) 

The illustrateBézier functions are redundants, you can create az2, az3, az5, az6, az8 and az9 in the form:

az2 = fromSegments [bézier3 c1 c2 x2]
    where x2 = r2 (-1.29328, -0.96997)
          [c1, c2] = map r2 [(0,0), (-0.8083, -0.32332)]

-- Or if you want, a resuable function:
-- illustrateBézier :: R2 -> R2 -> R2 -> Diagram SVG R2
illustrateBézier ctrlpt1 ctrlpt2 endpt = fromSegments [bézier3 ctrlpt1 ctrlpt2 endpt]

-- So we can code az3 and others like this:
az3 = illustrateBézier c3 c4 x3
    where x3 = r2 (-2.1016, -3.39488)
          [c3, c4] = map r2 [(-0.485, -0.64664), (-2.1016, -3.39488)]
-- Even shorter:
az3 = illustrateBézier c3 c4 x3
    where [c3,c4,x3] = map r2 [(-0.485, -0.64664), (-2.1016, -3.39488), (-2.1016, -3.39488)]

When the diagram will be a kind of 'loop' and fillable, you can use fc blue on example3 like this example3 # fc blue or into like this example3 = fc blue . mconcat $ ...