Combined fit of two distributions

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I have two separate distributions given by the functions P_multiple and P_single. I would like to combine the two and into one combined fit function which has a natural "transition" between the two. Do you have suggestions? Thank you!

Here is the plot I have versus what I'd like to get (in red).enter image description here

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def P_multiple(alpha):
    return 1 / np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(-alpha**2)

def P_single(alpha, Z):
    alpha_abs = np.abs(alpha)
    return 1 / (alpha_abs**3 * 8 * np.log(204 * Z**(-1/3)))

Z_silicon = 14 
alpha_threshold = 3 
alpha_values = np.linspace(-7, 7, 300)

multiple = P_multiple(alpha_values)
single = P_single(alpha_values, Z_silicon)

multiple[np.abs(alpha_values) > alpha_threshold] = 0
single[np.abs(alpha_values) <= alpha_threshold] = 0

combined_distribution = multiple + single

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(alpha_values, multiple, label='Multiple')
plt.plot(alpha_values, single, label='Single')
plt.plot(alpha_values, combined_distribution, label='Combined', linestyle='--')


Later edit:

I have done a bit of digging for some simplified formula that might help in this respect. I found an answer in here. Following this, I've tried to generate some data and then fit it using scipy's curve_fit and minuit minimization. curve_fit seems to work to some extent, but the fit is not perfect. Minuit works to some extent, but the initial fit is translated on the y axis. I managed to use a scaling factor to make the fit visually ok, but the chi2 per degree of freedom is very bad. The scaling might not be what I need. Any suggestions? The code I paste below:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.special import gamma
from iminuit import Minuit

def P_multiple(alpha):
    return 1 / np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(-alpha**2)

def P_single(alpha, Z):
    alpha_abs = np.abs(alpha)
    return 1 / (alpha_abs**3 * 8 * np.log(204 * Z**(-1/3)))

# The fit function (sum of a Gaussian and a Student's t-distribution)
def fit_function(theta, N, a, mu, sigma_g, sigma, tail_parameter):
    gaussian_part = (1 - a) * np.exp(-((theta - mu) ** 2) / (2 * sigma_g ** 2)) / (sigma_g * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
    t_part = (a * gamma((tail_parameter + 1) / 2) / (np.sqrt(tail_parameter * np.pi) * sigma * gamma(tail_parameter / 2)) *
             np.power(1 + ((theta - mu) ** 2) / (tail_parameter * sigma ** 2), -(tail_parameter + 1) / 2))
    return N * (gaussian_part + t_part)

def binned_likelihood(params, theta, counts, bin_width):
    N, a, mu, sigma_g, sigma, tail_parameter = params
    expected_counts = fit_function(theta, N, a, mu, sigma_g, sigma, tail_parameter) * bin_width
    # Using Poisson likelihood
    return -2 * np.sum(counts * np.log(expected_counts) - expected_counts)

# Cost function for Minuit
def cost_function(N, a, mu, sigma_g, sigma, tail_parameter):
    params = [N, a, mu, sigma_g, sigma, tail_parameter]
    expected_counts = fit_function(bin_centers, *params) * bin_width
    expected_counts = np.maximum(expected_counts, 1e-6)  # Ensure non-zero expected counts
    cost = -2 * np.sum(counts * np.log(expected_counts) - expected_counts)
    return cost

Z_silicon = 14 
alpha_threshold = 3 
alpha_values = np.linspace(-7, 7, 300)

multiple = P_multiple(alpha_values)
single = P_single(alpha_values, Z_silicon)

multiple[np.abs(alpha_values) > alpha_threshold] = 0
single[np.abs(alpha_values) <= alpha_threshold-1.5] = 0

combined_distribution = multiple + single

# Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) -- thanks chatGPT
cdf = cumtrapz(combined_distribution, alpha_values, initial=0)
cdf /= cdf[-1]  # normalized CDF
inverse_cdf = interp1d(cdf, alpha_values) # Interpolation function for the inverse CDF

# Data
num_samples = 100000
uniform_samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, num_samples)
generated_samples = inverse_cdf(uniform_samples)

num_bins = 300
counts, bins = np.histogram(generated_samples, bins=num_bins)
bin_centers = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
errors = np.sqrt(counts)  # Poisson error per bin
bin_width = bins[1] - bins[0]

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.errorbar(bin_centers, counts, yerr=errors, fmt='o', label='Data with Error Bars', color='#1E88E5', ecolor='black', zorder=1)
plt.plot(alpha_values, combined_distribution * num_samples / np.sum(combined_distribution), label='Distribution from which data is drawn', linestyle='--', color ='red', zorder=2)

params = [4500, 0.02, 0, 0.7, 3, 5] # played quite a bit to get those
popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit_function, bin_centers, counts, p0=params, sigma=errors)

theta_values = np.linspace(min(generated_samples), max(generated_samples), 500)
fitted_function_values = fit_function(theta_values, *popt)
plt.plot(theta_values, fitted_function_values, label='Fitted function (curve_fit)', color='#004D40', zorder=3)

### minuit below
# total_samples = np.sum(counts)
# bin_width = bins[1] - bins[0]
# scale_factor = total_samples * bin_width
# print(scale_factor)
m = Minuit(cost_function, N=10000, a=0.3, mu=0, sigma_g=0.7, sigma=3, tail_parameter=3)
m.limits['sigma_g', 'sigma', 'tail_parameter'] = (1e-6, None) # parameter limits
m.errordef = Minuit.LEAST_SQUARES

fitted_params_minuit = [m.values[key] for key in m.parameters]
fitted_function_scaled = fit_function(theta_values, *fitted_params_minuit)*0.05
plt.plot(theta_values, fitted_function_scaled, label='Fitted Function (Minuit)', color='green')


# Chi2 for curve_fit
adjusted_errors = np.where(errors == 0, 1, errors)
chi2_curve_fit = np.sum(((counts - fit_function(bin_centers, *popt)) / adjusted_errors) ** 2)
dof_curve_fit = len(counts) - len(popt)
chi2_per_dof_curve_fit = chi2_curve_fit / dof_curve_fit
print("curve_fit - Fitted parameters:", popt)
print("curve_fit - Chi-squared:", chi2_curve_fit)
print("curve_fit - Chi-squared per degree of freedom:", chi2_per_dof_curve_fit)

# Chi-squared for Minuit
chi2_minuit = np.sum(((counts - fit_function(bin_centers, *fitted_params_minuit)) / adjusted_errors) ** 2)
dof_minuit = len(counts) - len(fitted_params_minuit)
chi2_per_dof_minuit = chi2_minuit / dof_minuit
print("Minuit - Fitted parameters:", fitted_params_minuit)
print("Minuit - Chi-squared:", chi2_minuit)
print("Minuit - Chi-squared per degree of freedom:", chi2_per_dof_minuit)


curve_fit - Fitted parameters: [4.5e+03 2.0e-02 0.0e+00 7.0e-01 3.0e+00 5.0e+00]
curve_fit - Chi-squared: 1087.3770894509803
curve_fit - Chi-squared per degree of freedom: 3.698561528744831
Minuit - Fitted parameters: [100032.27417296321, 0.0780285341472854, -0.001452392031778836, 0.7125402555391692, 0.7478831473831798, 2.673494961387995]
Minuit - Chi-squared: 42899843.300199464
Minuit - Chi-squared per degree of freedom: 145917.83435441996

Resulting fit:

enter image description here

I followed the advice in the comments to look for a function, but I admit I don't really know what I'm doing here apart from trial and error :)


There are 1 best solutions below


There are a bunch of ways of doing this, but I thought I'd find a method that looked similar to what you showed in what you wanted, while I only implemented for one side, I've been on this for a bit too long now and it shouldn't be too hard to make it work I decided to implement this using bezier curves, which have the con of using a t variable which means it is harder to find exact values for a certain x or a certain y unless you have a high sample rate, as I didn't really know what you are implementing this for, I just went with this as this was my first thought to make it look the closest Bezier curves are essentially just a way of making a curve using three points

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def P_multiple(alpha):
    return 1 / np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(-alpha**2)

def P_single(alpha, Z):
    alpha_abs = np.abs(alpha)
    return 1 / (alpha_abs**3 * 8 * np.log(204 * Z**(-1/3)))

def findcrosspoint(error, dotpoints, valuem, values):
    #finds the closest point of crossing by approximation
    for i in range (dotpoints-1, 0, -1):
        if abs(values[i] - valuem[i]) <= error:
            return i
    return -1

def bezierline(startpoint, endpoint, t):
    # creates a bezier line
    return startpoint + t * (endpoint-startpoint)

def beziercurve(startpoint, crosspoint, endpoint, res):
    curvevals = []
    for i in range(res):
        if i != 0:
            t = i / res
            t = i
        # curves between two bezier lines
        curvevals.append(bezierline(startpoint, crosspoint, t) + t * (bezierline(crosspoint, endpoint, t) - bezierline(startpoint, crosspoint, t)))
    return np.array(curvevals)

def transition(Z, dotpoints, viewsize, startpoint, thresh, transitionrange, xweight, yweight):
    # calculates all the values
    xs = np.linspace(startpoint, startpoint+viewsize, dotpoints)
    valuem = P_multiple(xs)
    values = P_single(xs, Z)
    transitionpoint = thresh

    # calculates start, cross and endpoints to calculate the bezier curve
    startpoint = transitionpoint - transitionrange
    startpoint = np.array([startpoint, np.log(P_multiple(startpoint))])
    crosspoint = findcrosspoint(0.1, dotpoints, np.log(valuem), np.log(values)) * (viewsize/dotpoints)
    # the x and y weight allow you to change the position of the cross point which can change the look of the curve
    crosspoint = np.array([crosspoint / xweight, np.log(P_multiple(crosspoint) / yweight)])
    plt.scatter(np.array([crosspoint[0]]), np.array([crosspoint[1]]), s=20, label='cross')
    plt.scatter(np.array([startpoint[0]]), np.array([startpoint[1]]), s=20, label='start')
    endpoint = transitionpoint + transitionrange
    endpoint = np.array([endpoint, np.log(P_single(endpoint, Z))])
    plt.scatter(np.array([endpoint[0]]), np.array([endpoint[1]]), s=20, label='end')

    # calculates the bezier curve values
    curvevals = beziercurve(startpoint, crosspoint, endpoint, 10000)
    # puts them all back into one array
    values = []
    inserted = False
    for i in range(xs.shape[0]):
        if xs[i] <= startpoint[0]:
            values.append([xs[i], np.log(P_multiple(xs[i]))])
        elif xs[i] >= endpoint[0]:
            values.append([xs[i], np.log(P_single(xs[i], Z))])
        elif inserted == False:
            for value in curvevals:
                values.append(np.array([value[0], value[1]]))
            inserted = True
    return np.array(values)

Z_silicon = 14
alpha_threshold = 3
alpha_values = np.linspace(-7, 7, 500)

multiple = P_multiple(alpha_values)
single = P_single(alpha_values, Z_silicon)

multiple[np.abs(alpha_values) > alpha_threshold] = 0
single[np.abs(alpha_values) <= alpha_threshold] = 0

combined_distribution = multiple + single

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(alpha_values, np.log(multiple), label='Multiple')
plt.plot(alpha_values, np.log(single), label='Single')
values = transition(Z_silicon, 1000, 7, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1)
xs = np.zeros(values.shape[0])
ys = np.zeros(values.shape[0])
for i in range(values.shape[0]):
    xs[i] = values[i][0]
    ys[i] = values[i][1]
plt.plot(xs, ys, label='combined')


While this code is crude, it does closely match what you drew in your graph. It is fairly adjustable so you can make it look more to your liking



EDIT: forgot to mention this looked fairly weird when i used it with a log scale so i logged the values instead, I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience