Combining Spray Routing + Actor Pattern Matching

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Following the Akka Cluster documentation, I have the Worker Dial-in example running.

So I've trying to integrate that with a spray routing.

My idea is to have a cluster behind the scenes and through a http rest, call that service.

So I have the following code.

object Boot extends App {

  val port = if (args.isEmpty) "0" else args(0)
  val config =
      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = [frontend]"))

  val system = ActorSystem("ClusterSystem", config)
  val frontend = system.actorOf(Props[TransformationFrontend], name = "frontend")
  implicit val actSystem = ActorSystem()

  IO(Http) ! Http.Bind(frontend, interface = config.getString("http.interface"), port = config.getInt("http.port"))

class TransformationFrontend extends Actor {

  var backends = IndexedSeq.empty[ActorRef]
  var jobCounter = 0
  implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)

  override def receive: Receive = {

    case _: Http.Connected => sender ! Http.Register(self)

    case HttpRequest(GET, Uri.Path("/job"), _, _, _) =>

      jobCounter += 1
      val backend = backends(jobCounter % backends.size)

      val originalSender = sender()

      val future : Future[TransformationResult] = (backend ? new TransformationJob(jobCounter + "-job")).mapTo[TransformationResult]
      future onComplete {
        case Success(s) =>
          println("received from backend: " + s.text)
          originalSender ! s.text
        case Failure(f) => println("error found: " + f.getMessage)

    case job: TransformationJob if backends.isEmpty =>
      sender() ! JobFailed("Service unavailable, try again later", job)

    case job: TransformationJob =>
      jobCounter += 1
      backends(jobCounter % backends.size) forward job

    case BackendRegistration if !backends.contains(sender()) =>
      println("backend registered")
      context watch sender()
      backends = backends :+ sender()

    case Terminated(a) =>
      backends = backends.filterNot(_ == a)

But what I really want to do is to combining the spray routing with those pattern matching.

Instead of writing my GET like the above, I would like to write like this:

path("job") {
  get {
    respondWithMediaType(`application/json`) {
      complete {
        (backend ? new TransformationJob(jobCounter + "-job")).mapTo[TransformationResult]

But extending my Actor with this class, I have to do the following

def receive = runRoute(defaultRoute)

How can I combine this approach with my TransformationFrontend Actor pattern matching methods? BackendRegistration, Terminated, TransformationJob?


There are 1 best solutions below


You can compose PartialFunctions like Receive with PartialFunction.orElse:

class TransformationFrontend extends Actor {
  // ...
  def myReceive: Receive = {
    case job: TransformationJob => // ...
    // ...
  def defaultRoute: Route =
    get {
      // ...
  override def receive: Receive = runRoute(defaultRoute) orElse myReceive

That said, it often makes sense to split up functionality into several actors (as suggested in the comment above) if possible.