upgraded some visualstudio 2005 websites to visualstudio 2008. now it is working fine while debugging. There is an error while compiling the website. the following is the error.

Error 1 C:\Program Files.............\DirectScanToServer\licenses.licx: Could not transform licenses file into a binary resource. (1) : error LC0004 : Exception occurred creating type 'OSADirectLicensing.OSADirectLicensedClass, OSADirectLicensing, Version=1.0.3637.23829, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: Invalid License at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.CreateWithContext(Type type, LicenseContext creationContext, Object[] args) at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.CreateWithContext(Type type, LicenseContext creationContext) at System.Tools.LicenseCompiler.GenerateLicenses(String fileContents, String targetPE, ITypeResolutionService resolver, DesigntimeLicenseContext ctx)' C:\Program Files.........\DirectScanToServer\licenses.licx http://localhost/DirectScanToServer/


There are 2 best solutions below


I would talk directly to the producer of the Direct To Scan license and see if you need a different one after upgrading to 2008. What version of .Net was your application targeting before the upgrade and now?


I agree with Chris' on this one. Alternatively, you can install the EmptyLicensesLicx nuget package, and it will make sure there's an empty Licenses.licx in your project, before it gets compiled (which is all you need).