complete dynamic array observables one by one (concatMap)

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I am making a chat app and I would like to save messages in the correct order.

Imagine, I would have a static number of messages

// 4 messages. array of static length: 4
chatMessages: string[] = ['hello', 'world', 'and', 'stack overflow members']; // 

now, let's create a save observables for them.

chatMessages: Observable<ChatMessage>[] = string) => {
    return chatService.saveMessage(message); // returns an Observable to call API

Now, I want to save them one by one, one after another.

I do it this way:

    concatMap((observable) => observable),

Now My question is, if the initial chatMessages array is dynamic - (can be added a message in any point of time, even during saving). How do I loop the array to save chat messages one by one, keeping the order they were added ?

For example: two out of four messages were saved, the 3rd is being processed, and in that moment the 5th message is added to the chatMessages array. How do I manage that?


There are 2 best solutions below


If the initial chatMessages array is dynamic - (can be added a message in any point of time, even during saving)

You are describing an Observable of Message (string), not an array! Since you are processing items one at a time, there is no need for array.

You can just use a simple subject that emits messages as they are received and have one subscription to that stream that saves the messages for you:

chatMessage$ = new Subject<string>();

function saveMessage(message: string) {

    concatMap(message => chatService.saveMessage(message))

This will processes the new messages one at a time, in the correct order.


If I understand right the problem, you have to deal with with an array which can receive additional element over time and such elements have to be added at the end of the array.

This can be seen as a stream of messages, the ones originally stored in the array being the first elements of the stream, to which it is possible to add other messages over time, for instance calling a specific function addMessage(msg).

The code to build such stream could look like this

const myInitialArray = ['hello', 'world', 'and', 'stack overflow members']
function saveMessage(msg: string) {
  return of(`saved: ${msg}`).pipe(delay(1000))

const add$ = new Subject<string>()

const myStream = merge(from(myInitialArray), add$).pipe(
  concatMap(msg => saveMessage(msg))

Now what you have to do is to subscribe to myStream and, any time you want to add a message at the end of the array (or stream), you have to call the function addMessage.

This stackblitz shows the example working.