Connecting Rails backend with Angular frontend

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I'm new to Angular, and I'd really appreciate some help in connecting my Rails backend with my Angular frontend.

In my Angular controller, I want to retrieve JSON data from my Rails backend. Using, jbuilder, I am able to retrieve JSON from this URL: http://localhost:3000/assessments/1.json. The JSON is: {"id":1,"course_id":1,"part_id":1,"lesson_id":1,"type_of":"Quiz"}. This seems okay backend-wise. But, when I try to retrieve that JSON in my Angular controller...

app.controller('ThisController', [
function($scope, $resource){
  var Assess = $resource("/assessments/:id.json", {id: "@id", format: 'json'});

      //function is called on success

  $scope.findType = function() {
    $resolved = true;
    $scope.description = 'This is a ' + Assess.type_of + '!';


...I get this in my console.log...

  1. function Resource(value)
  2. Resource {$promise: Promise, $resolved: false}
  3. Resource {0: "<", 1: "!", 2: "D", 3: "O", 4: "C", 5: "T", 6: "Y", 7: "P", 8: "E", 9: " ", 10: "h", 11: "t", 12: "m", 13: "l",...

The third console.log output is individual string characters broken up from my layout/application.html.erb file!

In my Angular view...

    <button ng-click='findType()'>Find Type</button>

... I get, This is a undefined! when I call the function for 'findType()'... for {{description}}.

If anyone can tell me where I've gone wrong with $resource, I'd sure appreciate it. PS: I'm set up with the ngResource dependency, so that's not an issue. Thanks so much!!


There are 1 best solutions below


You can check what angular requests and it's response in the Network tab in Chrome Inspector. Also check Rails' log to see if the format is processed correctly.