Convert from currency to Integer in PHPExcel

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I'm using PHPExcel(@v1.8.0) to read data in order to save it in my database

I can successfully load and read the file but I've encountered a problem when reading a column styled as "currency" (for the record, data is stored as a number Eg:12154,018037749)

This is how the data looks

As I read it without any modifications data load as: 'Price' => string '$ 12,154.02'

How can I read it as a number? Preferably as an integer (I do not care about cents, so I'm cool with truncating those)

I have tried to set the format to number

$activeSheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();

And then convert it to array:

$sheetData = $activeSheet->toArray(null, true, true, true);

But data is still the same, is there something missing? I have thought about treating it as an string and then convert it but doesn't sounds performant...


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