Convert to high quality only if video is available in this quality

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In a few words my problem would be described like this: Do not convert in hd if I upload video from old mobile. Right now when admin uploads a file, panda will convert it into all formats available in Encoding profiles tab, makes no sense to convert a video in HD quality and serve it as HD when this video is actually in a lower quality.

What I did so far - looked in the docs that says nothing about this problem, or at least I couldn't find it. I can't even be sure how to formulate the question in search engines. Except this I couldn't do too much.

Ideas, links would be very helpful. Thank you.

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  • Sorry but, why SO keeps tags to pandastream in this case? Isn't this so that guys from pandastream could easily track bugs and/or missing documentation so they can fix bugs and/or update the docs? Eventually if they have a solution this would help other devs too.

There are 1 best solutions below


By default, all profiles all applied, but it is possible to select which ones should be used when sending a video file through API. There's a parameter called profiles for that, it takes a comma separated string with names of profiles. Example (in Ruby):

upload ='/videos/upload.json', {
            file_name: upload_payload['filename'],
            file_size: upload_payload['filesize'],
            profiles: "profile1, profile2",

Another solution would be to create two separate clouds in Panda, with different sets of encoding profiles.