Converting double and integer value to logical array in matlab

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I am new to matlab programming and trying to work with RC4 code [source:]. I am trying to get a message encrypted with a key but after getting key stream I am stuck while doing xor of the data. I probably am making mistakes in several places as my result is showing 0 all through. The make function code I am having problem is:

function w = rc4make(n,k)
% rc4make - makes a vector of "n" RC4 outputs of key "k"
sc = rc4key(k);
l = [];
j0 = 0;
i0 = 0;

for s0 = 1:n 
    [r, i0, j0, sc]=rc4out(i0, j0, sc);
    l =[l r];
    L1 = logical(n);
    L2 = logical(l);% converting into logical array 
    w = xor(L1,L2);

function sc=rc4key(key)
% rc4key - return key schedule array for key k
% SEEMS BROKEN - bytes 2-9 are swapped with other key schedule bytes
% At best, not compatible with 'real' RC4. At worst, also more vulnerable

% set up the array
le = length(key);
sc = 0:255;
j0 = 0;

% scramble the key schedule
for i0 = 0:255
    k0 = floor(key( floor(mod(i0,le))+1 ));%floor rounds the number into round figure
    j0 = floor(mod( j0 + k0 + sc(i0+1), 256));
    tm = sc(i0+1);
    sc(i0+1) = sc(j0+1);
    sc(j0+1) = tm;

function [r, i0, j0, sc]=rc4out(i0, j0, sc)
% next byte of rc4 output
% inputs: i0, j0 = indices; sc = key schedule
% outputs: r=random byte; i0, j0 = indices; sc = key schedule

%for q=0:strlen(data)
i0 = mod( (i0+1), 256);
j0 = mod( j0 + sc(i0+1), 256);
tmp = sc(j0+1);
sc(j0+1) = sc(i0+1);
sc(i0+1) = tmp;
r = mod(sc(i0+1) + sc(j0+1), 256);%(S[i]+S[j]) %256

The function I am calling is: rc4make(12,'hi') where 12 is the plaintext and hi is the key. Could you please guide me to understand my code's problem and please suggest to get the ciphertext properly.


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