Copy Azure snapshots to different Region

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I'm trying to create a disaster recovery solution using Snapshots in Azure. I have many, many disks in a cluster and I currently can take snapshots of the disks to be able to restore locally. This works

I now want to either COPY the existing snapshots to a different region or create new snapshots of my disks but stored in a different region.


I have tried this. In this example, the $disk_location is in eastus and the $target_location is eastus2.

az snapshot create --name $snapshot_name \
--resource-group $resource_group \
--location $target_location \
--source "$disk_location" \

This fails with "Resource mdw_data1 is not found." It exists but not in the $target_location.

I also tried creating a snapshot with the source as another snapshot. I ran into two problems with this. First, it stated the snapshot already existed because I'm using the same snapshot_name and when I changed to a different name, it gave me the same "not found" error.

Snapshots can be either locally redundant (3 copies in a single physical location) or zone redundant (3 copies across 3 availability zones within a region). Neither helps in the scenario where a region goes offline.


Also, Microsoft says: "For applications requiring high availability, Microsoft recommends using ZRS in the primary region, and also replicating to a secondary region." Yet I can't copy my snapshots to a secondary region as they recommend.


There are 1 best solutions below


AWS provides a single command to copy a snapshot from one region to another but Azure doesn't provide this functionality directly from their CLI.



aws ec2 copy-snapshot \
--region us-east-1 \
--source-region us-west-2 \
--source-snapshot-id snap-066877671789bd71b \
--description "This is my copied snapshot."

Azure solution:

Step 1 - Create a Storage Account in the target location

az storage account create --name $account_name \
--resource-group $resource_group \
--location $target_location

Step 2 - Get the Storage Key from Step 1 Storage Account

Note: Notice how Azure changed "storage_account" to "account_account".

az storage account keys list --resource-group $resource_group \
--account-name $account_name \
--query '[].value' \
--output tsv

Step 3 - Create a Container in the newly created Storage Account located in the target location

az storage container create --name $container_name 
--resource-group $resource_group \
--account-key $account_key \
--account-name $account_name

Step 4 - Grant access to your own snapshot

This is a weird one to me. You have to give yourself access to your own snapshot. You also have to set how long the grant to yourself is good for.


az snapshot grant-access --resource-group $resource_group \
--name $snapshot_id \
--duration-in-seconds $duration \
--query [accessSas] \
--output tsv

Step 5 - Use the SAS to copy the snapshot to the container located in your storage account

The "destination_blob" is the name of the snapshot with ".vhd" appended to the end of it.


az storage blob copy start --destination-blob "$destination_blob" \
--destination-container "$container_name" \
--account-key "$account_key" \
--account-name "$account_name" \
--source-uri "$sas"

Step 6 - Wait

Keep running this until the output says "success".

az storage blob show --name "$destination_blob" \
--container-name "$container_name" \
--account-key "$account_key" \
--account-name "$account_name" \
--query '[properties.copy.status]' \
--output tsv

Step 7 - Get your subscription id

az account show --query 'id' --output tsv

Step 8 - Create snapshot Azure doesn't allow you to have a snapshot with the same name but in a different region. So, you'll have to update the name unfortunately.


az snapshot create --name $target_snapshot_id \
--resource-group $resource_group \
--location $target_location \
--source "https://${account_name}${container_name}/${destination_blob}" \
--source-storage-account-id "/subscriptions/${subscription_id}/resourceGroups/${resource_group}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/${account_name}"

Step 9 - Cleanup

az storage account delete --resource-group $resource_group \
--name $account_name \