Correct way to retrigger loadTokens in Ktor client

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In my mobile app, I have a singleton Ktor HttpClient with bearer authentication configured as such:

HttpClient(…) {
    install(Auth) {
        bearer {
            sendWithoutRequest { requestBuilder -> some condition }
            refreshTokens {

Now consider the following flow:

  1. The user opens the app while the tokens stored in my tokenStorage are not valid.
  2. The HttpClient loads the tokens from tokenStorage and the request fails with a 401.
  3. The HttpClient tries to perform a refresh but it fails too because the refresh token is invalid.
  4. The user is redirected to the login page, logs in, and the new valid tokens are stored in tokenStorage.
  5. Now from the app the user can retry the call that failed in points 2-3. However this will fail forever until the app is closed, because the HttpClient never tries to call loadTokens anymore. Indeed, as far as I can see from the source code, loadTokens is called only once and then never again.

I found out a couple of ways to solve the issue.

The first one is to manually retrieve BearerAuthProvider from the HttpClient and clear the token myself like in the following snippet, but it seems like a hacky workaround:


Another one is to manually load the current token from my tokenStorage in refreshToken and disregard what get passed in [email protected]:

refreshTokens {
    val currentRefreshToken = tokenStorage.getTokens().refreshToken

However this means that the client will do an unnecessary call to the refresh API, while having already a valid token pair (obtained from the login).

So my question is: is there a cleaner way to handle the situation? Am I misusing Ktor?


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