Count Lines of Code on Netbeans PHP Project

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How can i count the LOC of a Netbeans PHP-Project?

i´m using Netbeans 7.0.1 on Windows 7


There are 4 best solutions below


I haven't found a way to do that in netbeans (on any OS) but i guess you could get away with something like the following:

Save this little script someplace where you can find it: (lets say "cntln.php")


function countLinesInFile($fileInfo)
    return count(file($fileInfo));

function countLinesInDir($directory, $filePattern)
    $total = 0;
    $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory));
    foreach($iterator as $fileInfo)
        if (-1 < preg_match($filePattern, $fileInfo->getFileName()))
            $total += countLinesInFile($fileInfo);
    return $total;

function usage($argv)
    printf("usage: php -q %s <directory> <filematch>\n", reset($argv));

    printf(" - directory: path to the root directory of a project.\n");
    printf(" - filematch: regex pattern for files to include.\n");

    return 1;

if (count($argv) < 3)

printf("%d\n", countLinesInDir($argv[1], $argv[2]));

and use it on the commandline (cmd.exe):

c:> php -q cntln.php "C:\projects\foo" "~\.php$~"

With some minor trickery I'm sure you can create a shortcut to it that you can put on the quick launch bar or use it in some other tooling.

Might have bugs since I typed it just now, mostly in the SO text box.


you can use ProjectCodeMeter to count logical lines of code (LLOC) on any php project (it is aware of comments and empty lines)


I was looking for the same and stumbled over this question, but the accepted answer is only for LOC, not for LLOC, and ProjectCodeMeter seems to be a bit overkill.

What I found as a working solution for me: phploc by Sebastian Bergmann. Works like a charm.


You can use PDepend or PHPMetrics. Both are free, open source projects