Create a bzr branch that selectively omits some commits from parent branch

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Is it possible to create a branch of a bzr repository that selects omits certain changes? For example, let's say my repository is at revision 354, and I want to branch it, but I don't want to include the changes that were done in revision 247.

Note that I plan to merge in the changes from revision 247 at some point in the future. So I don't want to just make changes to the code that undo what revision 247 did, otherwise there will be a conflict later when I try to do the merge.

Is this type of selective branching possible with bzr?


There are 2 best solutions below


I think you're looking to Reverse Cherrypick. This will let you remove a single revision from a branch.


no. A revision always guarantees all of it's parent revisions. I don't think you will have too many conflicts if you first undo and commit that revision and then later re-apply it. If you are unsure branch into a temp directory and try it out.