Create a keyword from a number

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How can I derive a keyword from a number in ClojureScript:

(keyword 22)
;;=> :22 but in fact returns nil.


In my ClojureScript/Hoplon application I make HTTP requests via cljs-http. Parts of the response I receive look like this:

  {:22 {:description ... } ; A company.
   :64 {:description ... }
   ...                    }
  [{:description ... } ; An offer.
   {:description ... }
   ...                ]

Each offer within the vector behind :offers has a :companyId which represents a key in :companies. As soon as I receive the response, I reset! a cell (similar to an atom) query.

Now, I'd like to iterate over each offer and call a function offer-tpl that creates the corresponding HTML. In order to do so, offer-tpl needs the offer itself as well as the related company:

(for [offer (:offers @query)]
  (offer-tpl offer (get-in @query [:companies (keyword (:companyId offer))]))))))

Despite the fact that this surely can be done more elegant (suggestions very appreciated), the get-in doesn't work. (:companyId offer) returns a number (e.g. 22) but (keyword (:companyId offer)) returns nil. Calling (keyword (str (:companyId offer))) does the trick, but aren't there any other ways to do this?


There are 1 best solutions below


(keyword "22") or (keyword (str 22)) returns :22

The reason you are getting :22 is likely because of the keywordize-keys option of a JSON translation. For example:

cljs-http defaults to keywordize-keys for jsonp: But you can (and should) in this case pass in a flag to disable keywordization.

Not all keys in JSON are appropriate for Clojure keywordization. For example spaces in a JSON key are valid, but not in Clojure.

Please be aware that numeric keywords are probably incorrect. It seems like that caveat has been removed from the current Clojure website, so perhaps that means something but I'm not sure what. Currently states that

Keywords - Keywords are like symbols, except: They can and must begin with a colon, e.g. :fred. They cannot contain '.' or name classes. Like symbols, they can contain a namespace, :person/name A keyword that begins with two colons is resolved in the current namespace: In the user namespace, ::rect is read as :user/rect

and that

Symbols begin with a non-numeric character and can contain alphanumeric.

This definition of a keyword excludes :22 and :with spaces

The keyword function returns a result for invalid input, but this is not an endorsement, it is simply because checking for incorrect input would be a performance overhead in a core part of Clojure.

In short, not all JSON keys translate to keywords, so you should avoid keywordize-keys unless you know the keyspace and/or doing so provides some conveniences.